Columbia is one of the most sleep deprived schools, so no wonder people are falling asleep everywhere. When, on her way back to campus after Thanksgiving, staff writer Aliya Schneider heard someone snoring behind her on the train, she was inspired to compile this ranking of the worst places on campus (ordered from best to absolute worst). What’s the worse place you’ve slept on campus?
10. The Lawn
Con: Everyone can see you. Everyone can take snapchats of you. If you’re in a hammock, people call you extra. If you’re cuddling with someone, people tell you to get a room. Maybe a bird poops on you. Your professor sees you. Your Columbia Crush sees your drool. You wouldn’t know what happened, because you were asleep.
Pro: You finally left Butler and got some fresh air.
9. The Floor In Front Of Cafe East
Con: It’s random as hell, which makes you super noticeable.
Pro: Not many other people sleep here, and if you’re in the corner, you’re out of the way. No one will step on you unless you’re blocking an outlet or trash can.
8. Butler
Con: You’re bothering everyone with your snoring, you’re taking up space that people who actually want to study could use, you’re contributing to the stress culture and weird atmosphere in Butler, you need to leave and go to bed, or go get some fresh air and sleep on the lawn.
Pro: You’re showing your commitment to this fine institution and the art of learning by making our beautiful library your home. Butler is open all night so you could save on city housing costs by never leaving.
7. Your Friend’s Floor Because You Got Sexiled
Con: It’s probably dirty and hasn’t been swept in weeks. It’s a floor. The temperature of the room is either drastically hotter or colder than you’re used to.
Pro: It’s a good bonding experience with your friend. When you were little, college sounded like a giant slumber party. Now you’re making it happen. You can fall asleep ranting with your friend about your roommate’s sex life.
6. Diana Center Chair
Con: Neck problems.
Pro: We probably have those anyway, and the chairs look like they’re supposed to be comfortable.
5. Beta Bathroom
Con: Many people have been there, so it’s disgusting, and there probably isn’t even toilet paper to use as a pillow.
Pro: Many people have been there so you don’t have too much to be embarrassed about. It gives you something to check off your bucket list.
4. An Elevated Row In A Class With Tiered Seating
Con: Some classrooms with tiered seating are mostly flat with just a couple levels of elevation. You could have been more strategic and sat in a flat row or behind a tall person with a big hat on. Your professor calls you out, your class crush thinks you’re weird, and if you snore, everyone looks at you. You fail out of school and lose your job.
Pro: The fact that you prioritized coming to class over taking care of your body’s needs shows your unending commitment to your professor’s wisdom (GPA).
3. Next To Someone You Met At 1020 Who Snores
Con: Especially if you invited them to your place, there’s no way out. If they’re a Barnard student and you went to their place, you can’t just sneak out without getting signed out.
Pro: You made a new friend maybe. Who cares if they never speak to you again? You got to experience a false sense of intimacy and pretend like you were tolerating someone you love despite their loud snoring. It’s a test of your commitment and endurance. Or maybe a reminder to stop going to 1020.
2. Your Bed When You Have An Annoying Roommate
Con: This is your home, so it’s supposed to be the most comfortable place for you to sleep. But you live with someone else who disregards the fact they’re sharing a space with someone else and ruins your life.
Pro: You can switch rooms eventually or just sleep in any of the less-worse locations listed above.
1. Bathroom in Carman or The Quad
Con: It’s disgusting, covered in hair and questionable bodily fluids. It’s embarrassing because everyone on the floor knows you and knows what’s happening, including your RA. Your floor friends will bring it up to you throughout college to make sure you don’t forget, even if you don’t remember it happening. CAVA may find you, and if they’re busy, the ambulance has an expensive bill ready to bill home.
Pro: It’s a good floor bonding activity.
0. Waiting Room at St. Luke’s
Con: You can’t lay down across the chairs because they have metal arm rests separating them. If you try to move the chairs to put your feet out on one of them, the security guard will yell at you. The TV is blasting, and despite your bad cough and location being in a hospital, the person at the front desk can’t give you cough drops.
Pro: This is technically off campus, so you get a taste of the big city! McDonalds is walking distance away. You get to hold against your friend that you stayed in the hospital all night waiting for them after they drank too much.
-1. Not Knowing Where You’re Sleeping Because Your Dorm is on Fire
Too soon?