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Whether you spent all weekend holed up in Butler, drinking away your stresses, or a little bit of both, this weekend’s field notes have got you covered. Fun game: try to guess which Bwoggers submitted which field notes… 

All’s fair in love and war:

  • Got dumped. Fucked another guy that night out of desire and spite.
  • Tried not to develop feelings for a possible fuckboy? Stay tuned.
  • Deleted Tinder in the name of self care.
  • Realized I had never loved someone, because when I broke their heart I didn’t care, at all.

Finals I guess?

  • Stormed Butler 209!
  • Did my Gulati practice problems buzzed (thanks Bwog!!).
  • Bought overpriced snacks in ButCafe because it doesn’t take fucking Barnard points.
  • Reluctantly opted for studying over drinking, caved, and drank while studying.
  • Went home three different times this weekend despite being in the middle of finals.
  • Woke up at EIGHT Saturday to get a seat in Butler and the fourth floor was completely empty for 20 glorious minutes.
  • Got a bunch of fruit for munchies, ended up eating a gross assortment of spreads on pita chips instead. Finals I guess?

Procrastination is REAL:

  • Didn’t get out of bed on Sunday until 6 pm.
  • Watched Mean Girls and remembered how fucking iconic early 2000’s fashion is.
  • Went to church and actually felt better afterwards. All of my anger and frustration is now gone.
  • Facetimed with my sister like 3 times this week and now I feel like I miss her.
  • Picnic-ed under the lit trees of Bryant Park.
  • Escaped the fuck out of an escape room for my friend’s birthday.
  • Went home from a party early with the intention of getting up early the next morning to study; ended up sleeping in until 2 pm the next day.
  • Bailed on a social gathering that was supposed to be hosted in my own suite.
  • Went to Pret three times in one day, got a free croissant out of it.
  • Climbed onto the [redacted] roof twice.
  • Scammed my way onto a white supremacist episode of SVU (until they realized I was in fact not an extra).
  • Had my mom make me fortified wine with rum in it (10/10 recommend).
  • Made a gingerbread house that promptly collapsed. :/
  • Got a juicebox cocktail at Junzi kitchen. It’s a mini bottle of tequila sticking out of a literal juice box.
  • Made dick-shaped cookies.