Happening in the world: Authorities have found that an insurgent attack on an Afghan hotel, Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel, has left at least five people dead. (NYT)
Happening in the US: Trump’s approval rating among men has improved by 8 percentage points, according to a recent CNN poll. (CNN)
Happening in NYC: If your Lit Hum reading isn’t cutting it anymore, The New York Times has published a Star Wars-themed book called “In a Galaxy Far, Far Away,” which collects all the publications’ recent coverage on the film franchise. (The Verge)
Happening on campus: Riverside Church is hosting a potluck lunch/open house at 1 PM today to learn more their volunteer program Coming Home, which involves helping out formerly incarcerated individuals. Entry to the lunch is free, and more details can be found in the Facebook event.
Overheard: “I woke up in the hospital in a Ravenclaw t-shirt”