Don’t know why but this feels fitting.
Though Bwog Staff had a wonderful weekend and did lots of things, this young Bwogger here has an important test to study for tomorrow. In lieu of this, this Field Notes will be shorter than usual, but oh so good. Sit back, relax, and enjoy these stories. UPDATE: this is much longer than I was expecting, so relish in these extra stories carefully curated just for you. If you want to join in on this fun, email us your stories to tips@bwog.com and we will include it!
Bwog and Love:
- Briefly made out with a guy, then looked at him again, left the party and went home.
- Flirted with a guy who complimented my nails, eyebrows, and skin, and I thought that was great because I spend a lot of time and effort on them.
- Had a guy tell me he likes me because I yell at him lol.
- Had to drag my best friend out of the rain after they made out with someone and had an existential crisis.
- Went on a date that turned into light cuddling and watching the Paddington movie; 10/10 would recommend.
- Went to the same party as a boy I have a crush on but didn’t really talk to him :(
- Met brother’s girlfriend only for my parents to uncomfortably rant at me about their relationship with my brother/his girlfriend.
Bwog Out and About:
- Saw Black Panther!!!!! It was incredibly good.
- Had dinner with friends for my birthday! So wholesome.
- Went to the Tipsy Scoop store in Kip’s Bay.
- Went to 1020 with my Bwog big and had the best time ever!
- Went downtown to a club only to have it get shut down because of a bar fight…proceeded to go to a different club.
- Made eye contact with a Yale security gaurd as i took Juul hits in a classroom building.
- Watched Queer Eye in the suburbs with my friend and her dog.
- Painted my nails for the first time! Sponsored by Essie Polishes, thanks Duane Reade.
- Drank more Four Loko on a single L train ride than I ever had before.
- Spent forty-five minutes later Friday night trying to find a liquor store in the Upper West Side that was still open with my mother.
- Went out for Indian food with my future suitemates!
- Attended a funeral for my friend’s youth, as she’s turning twenty. wrote terrible tumblr-style poetry.
Bwog and Food/Drinks:
- Got free drinks all night from a guy who gave me his consulting firm’s business card.
- Got caught last week for drinking in my room, then proceeded to pregame in my room just as loud a week later.
- Went through a life crisis about my impending liver failure, after a full night of being unable to get tipsy and a full day of being unable to eat.
- Drunk texted the same boy for two nights in a row, who very patiently put up with me.
- Woke up to a full quesadilla next to my bed.
- Almost accidentally bought a $250 bottle of Dom Perignon because I can’t read fucking numbers.
- Ate dinner with my extended Italian family in the Bronx and came back with enough food to feed like 12 teenage boys.
- Had two different people sleep through their alarms and miss initial breakfast date only to turn it into lunch dates both at Chelsea Market.
- Finally went to van Leeuwen and ate vegan ice cream prettier than our actual planet.
- Bought a bunch of stuff from HMart and cooked up an ambiguously Asian feast
Bwog on Campus:
- Went to EC intending to have a wholesome night in, ended up getting quite drunk.
- Went almost a whole day eating nothing but a bagel, sour patch kids, and root beer.
- Had the wildest trip from an edible that resulted in me calling my friend at 6 A.M. crying about Austria the country.
- Got confused for a sorority girl by a frat guy because I’m “so close” to my friends.
- Got a genuine compliment for my Tom Cruise risky business costume. Probably the happiest moment of my weekend.
- Ended up cuddling on an air mattress with my two best guy friends after getting trashed in a dorm room.
- Got dragged out on Friday night by my drunk roommate but didn’t even make it through the pregame without going home because I was tired.
- Finessed an EC sign in from a guy I met when I was drunk and convinced him to let me use the bathroom in his suite.
- Made plans to rush a Broadway show on Saturday morning, but ended up cancelling those plans and sleeping an extra 6 hours instead.
- Helped throw a “frat” party for my friend’s birthday. Ended up taking at least 5 jello shots and was randomly yelling about high school cafeteria food?
- Convinced my friend to go to KDR with me. Was extremely sweaty from dancing on the arm of a chair for an hour and a half but since the night ended with mac and cheese I would consider it a success.
- Daydreamed about being on The Bachelor and actually cried when envisioning the proposal.
- Dyed my hair purple after wanting to dye my hair purple for ~5 years.
Bwog and School:
- Got an email Saturday at 8 A.M. from the registrar saying I wasn’t going to graduate.
- Got an email Sunday at 1 A.M. from the registrar saying ‘jk our b.’
- Read a lot of books about radical feminism in the 1980’s for my thesis and saw the word ‘herstory’ more times than I ever will in my entire life.
- Meticulously planned out my homework tasks for each day this weekend then spent all day Saturday sleeping instead.
- Got all of my work done on Saturday and was able to sleep until 1:30 on Sunday without feeing guilty for the first time since like October.
- Stayed out until 4 on Friday and talked about literature until last call at 1020. My friend defended my honor after this bitch in our shared booth said to me, “Your major doesn’t make you artistic.”
- Almost depression-napped through therapy.
It’s my birthday carrot head via Bwog Recycled Images