It is almost April – come fight me @snow
Happening Around the World: Vladimir Putin has been re-elected for a six year term as the president of the Russian Federation. (Washington Post)
Happening in the US: After controversy surrounding Trump’s recent decisions in his cabinet, reports are coming in that Trump is now requiring senior staffers to sign confidentiality agreements, a proponent he often did as a private citizen. (USA Today)
Happening in the City: After revealing a new pieces of art throughout Manhattan, popular anonymous graffiti artist Banksy has paid a visit to Brooklyn, adding more works throughout the borough. Details on the locations can be found here. (NY Post)
Happening on Campus: CTLgrades Learning Community: “Moving Learning Online – Flipping Classrooms and Online Instruction,” Butler 212, 2:00-3:30 PM
From the facilitators: “Have you taken or taught an online or flipped course? In this session, we will explore online teaching and learning – the promise and reality – in the context of active learning. Through this lens, we will consider how we might choose online environments to help our students learn, inside the physical and virtual classroom.”
More information can be found here!
Weather: Sunny with a high of 46/8 and a low of 30/-1! Stay warm yet enjoy the sunshine!
Spring ain’t here yet via Recycled Image