This will be one of us when the Academy decides whose weekend was the shittiest!
With midterms rolling through for most CC students this week, Bwog Staffers made sure to find some balance in between studying, partying, and watching the Oscars. Here are the nominees for this weekends’ awards, all completed by Bwog Staffers themselves. Feel like you have an award-winning moment from this weekend? Email it to tips@bwog.com and your story will be added too!
Nominees for Best Love Story:
- Became an ordained minister; officiated a wedding at 3 A.M.
- Had a really lovely, wholesome, nice date with someone I met at a metal-themed bar the previous weekend.
- Hooked up with someone I have a lot of mutual friends with…kept it a secret for like three days before it spread like wildfire.
- Ran into two people I hooked up with on Friday. Was in a drunken haze with my friends from sig chi (which sucked) all the way to 1020.
- Made out with my friend in order to make his ex hook up (a boy) jealous.
Nominees for Best Original Drinking Story:
- Went to Drinking with Bwog and remembered pretty much nothing from it.
- Realized that I was really good at beer pong at Drinking with Bwog!
- Started drinking on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. and had a wonderful night that i’ll probably never remember <3
- Went downtown, footed the $460 bill of only tequila shots.
- Hosted my first Drinking with Bwog and did not flinch when a random person walked in and pretended to know us.
- Went to Mel’s for the first time! Hated it.
- Spent quality time with my sister in 1020 (thanks Rachel <3). The two of us ended up making out with random European men.
- Went to Amity with a friend and used our fakes to get drinks during a Columbia dinner social…freaked out when the friend admitted to some adults that we’re underage freshmen.
Nominees for Best Story on Campus:
- Gave a presentation high out of my mind to a group of graduate students.
- Had a really wholesome Friday night in with my floormates; we ordered pizza, got sloshed, and watched Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny lmao
- Ended up stopping at a rowing party after a half semester of politely declining invitations; managed to lose my glasses, rip my jeans, and spill beer all over my peacoat in a matter of ten minutes.
- Nothing fun to report here except an absolutely inordinate amount of time spent in Butler 202 :(
- Was overcome w/ vertigo in butler on Saturday afternoon, spent rest of night in bed feeling dizzy, wondering if i was going psychotic, and eventually throwing up.
- Watched Call Me By Your Name on the lawns at midnight in 40 degree weather, froze but worth it.
- Watched drunk people on College Walk attempt to sing the fight song 3 times before getting it right.
- Made the national Weekend U Snapchat story! Over 500,000 people watched me chug cough syrup.
- Pulled an all nighter in Butler for my 8AM Monday midterm (in progress)
- Started my day off running a 9-hour event involving 300+ people with a shot of peppermint vodka. Celebrated my success by sleeping for 10 hours on Sunday night and skipping my Monday morning class.
- Experiencing acute housing stress because we need a fifth person for EC.
Nominees for Best Off Campus Story:
- Went to 2 different grocery stores in search of empanadas at 1 A.M. Ended up burning a bag of popcorn in my friend’s lounge instead. (apologies to John Jay 11)
- Was petting a dog and someone told me it was the most genuinely happy they’ve ever seen me. Immediately burst into tears.
- Saw La Boheme at the Met and discovered I really don’t like opera.
- Drunk-bought cheese at Westside.
- Walked 20 blocks in the middle of that storm on Friday, delivering a file (wrapped in a plastic Westside bag) for my internship.
- Walked in the blizzard from Chelsea Piers on Friday.
- Had a nightmare experience involving my umbrella during a storm while heading to the Upper East Side to teach a mental health workshop for high schoolers.
I want an award via Bwog Recycled Images
@test test
@te To whoever went to the MET to see La Bohème.
It gets better.
There are way better operas than that. The plot/lyrics for La Bohème are weak and the music is forgettable.
Please try:
– Turandot
– La Traviata
– Le Nozze di Figaro
– Don Giovanni
– Carmen