What’s Happening In The World: Since its first insurgency in 2003, Boko Haram has launched numerous terrorist attacks across the world, and they don’t seem to be coming to an end: on Sunday in northern Nigeria, more than a dozen people have died after militants from the group clashed with soldiers. (Author’s note: I had to go to the third page of Google search results to find this. Do better, please.) (BBC)
What’s Happening In The US: Teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky are protesting lack of funding to their schools, a couple of weeks after strikes in West Virginia led to pay raises. Love that grassroots action and properly subsidized education! (NBC)
What’s Happening In NYC: Canadian Prime Minister and Prime Hottie Justin Trudeau will speak at NYU’s commencement this May. Um, catch me transferring? (NYU Local)
What’s Happening At Columbia: If you wanted to go to the screening of “Art is a Weapon”, the story of “Bulgarian Sephardic film artist, novelist, anti-Nazi saboteur and lifelong revolutionary” Angel Wagenstein, it’s been rescheduled to tonight at 6 pm at the Harriman Institute (IAB 12). The event will also include a Q & A with director Andrea Simon.
Bop Anthem Of The Day: O, Canada. Obviously.