Weed? Or weeds?
Blaze it and raise it! Friday marked 4/20, every stoner’s favorite holiday. Columbia students were festive for the occasion, lighting up in honor of the one day a year people don’t care that you’re smoking. Here, in no particular order, are the best stories from this weekend. If you have any stories that you want to add, send them to us at tips@bwog.com and you may just see your story added onto this!
Bwog and 4/20:
- Got high and went hot tubbing. It was mind-blowing.
- Was high for thirty-six hours straight. (Relatedly, spent wayyyyyyyyy too much money on weed this weekend.)
- Got crossed on 4/20 and ended up throwing up at 3 in the morning (but I don’t think it was from the alcohol or the weed).
- Split a bottle of wine and then smoked a joint each with my sister.
- Got high with all my friends and cried for 15 minutes in JJ’s over a joke I made (not even a joke: I called fries “chips” and told my friends I was speaking British).
- Smoked 4 joints on 4/20 which is quite the jump from my 2 hit limit.
- (Almost) plummeted to my death in the EC elevator completely stoned.
Learned how to roll joints.
Slowly got low-key rly good at rolling & rolled them w lavender <3
Found my new favorite smoke spot by the road in Riverside.
Got high with my suitemates for next year I love them so much.
Went to Chinatown high with my suitemates for next year and went to an arcade.
Went to Q house and filmed myself smoking.
Celebrated my friend’s birthday on 4/20 and then found out that her birthday on her fake says 4/19 even though she was actually born on 4/20 because she didn’t want to seem sus.
Smoked and drank a lot on 4/20 and then did karaoke with my friends in KTown.
Bwog on Campus:
- Finished taking chemistry classes forever!
- Replaced my roommate with the “lofi hip hop radio – beats to relax/study to” girl.
- Used notes taken by my (more diligent) freshman year self to bullshit my (junior year) homework on the same text.
- Somehow managed to write two papers this weekend despite having been half-asleep for the entire three days.
- Got trolled by the Barnard administration who accidentally told me I wasnt graduating for the THIRD time.
- Handed in my thesis and simultaneously lost the excuse Ive been using for the past 8 months to avoid social engagements.
- Got paid to play with a puppy on the lawn and it was the best day of my life.
- Sat in SIPA to charge my phone before going to an EC party.
- Ran into literally every guy that I have complained about this year in a span of 12 hours. Ignored all of them.
- Conquered my last major paper!
- Fucked my circadian rhythm in the ass.
- Broke my phone ~3 days after getting it fixed.
- Drank for 5 nights straight.
- Went to the Wind Ensemble Concert and it was very good! Proceeded to spend 5 hours in JJs afterward with two members eating pints from Surf and Turf.
- Got stuck in an elevator while wasted and got rescued by like all of the NYC brigade.
Bwog Out and About:
- Enjoyed all the nature New Jersey had to offer. Which was surprisingly a lot.
- Treated myself to a massage at some place in the UWS.
- Went to two Bwogger’s high school reunion as their plus one and made two new friends.
- Was bored so went to get Mexican food at 1 AM.
- Ran into my old mentor / surrogate dad!!! He asked me if I knew where to find LSD.
- Went museumhopping (hit up 4 different museums what’s UP) and accidentally crashed a Greek parade.
- Met up with a friend of a friend (a current high school senior who was waitlisted at CC) for lunch. He spent the entire hour asking questions about the “Columbia experience,” and I answered them as well as I could. As I’m walking out, he tells me has one last question. “What is it?” I ask. “Your… your eyebrows. they’re marvelous,” he whispers. “Is there a place around campus where you get them done? I’m dying to know your secret.”
- Spent two hours to get to and from the Met only to spend 20 minutes there.
- Went to my high school reunion which had a premium open bar, blacked out, still trying to figure out how we kept getting free drinks for 3 hours after the reunion was supposed to end? Also vaguely remember walking down the block in the middle of the party in just my t-shirt to withdraw cash from an ATM so we could tip the amazing bar tenders who kept giving us drinks.
Spent Sunday eating my way through Chelsea Market and the Highline, achieving peak cliche date.
Celebrated the Bengali New Year with all my peeps.
- Was serenaded in the subway with “my girl” and was kind of uncomfortable, but what made it worse was that my mom made me take a picture with the guy.
- Ate pistachio-chocolate-espresso cannolis at Eataly.
- Saw Harry Potter and the cursed child with the fam.
Bwog and Love:
- Met my boyfriend’s parents and they apparently liked me!
- Had the most disappointing hookup experience of my life.
Tried to make plans with this guy I like but he literally has no idea that I’m trying to ~make moves~.
- Fell deeper in love.
- Shamelessly flirted with lax boys.
- Flashed my TA. In front of the guy I like. Those are two different people (rare).
- Had a guy buy me a drink and then tell me I’m not required to talk to him so I walked away. Later finessed a second drink from him after he said we have “sexually charged energy” but couldn’t remember my name.
- Loudly & drunkenly debriefed with my friend about our threesome in front of my prospie.
- Finally hooked up with my crush!! But then maybe blew it by drunk texting him the next night.
- Went out with my boyfriend and had a crying breakdown in the middle of the street due to too much rum and too many feelings.
Everyone’s smoking via Bwog Recycled Images