CAVA is our knight in shining armor during Bacchanal.
Well. This weekend was rough for many, to say the least. Need I say more? Bacchanal brought out the worst in many Bwog Staffers, leading to wonderful stories for us to recount to everyone. If you have any Bacchanal or weekend stories that you think are noteworthy (we know you got them), send us an email at tips@bwog.com and we will add it to the list!
Bwog and Bacchanal:
- Successfully took care of myself post-Bacchanal with lots of water and sleep.
Was upset no one took photos of me even though I was busy taking photos of everyone else.
- Didn’t get any pictures after the pregame because I was too gone to take pictures.
- Paced myself too well? And stayed alive for the afterparty.
- Blacked out in a John Jay bathroom for 3 hours after hobbling to a random floor and puking my heart out there. Apparently hissed at someone who lived on the floor and he got so scared he didn’t even call for help :(
- Had wonderful quesadillas from Casa Latina to settle my stomach. Threw it up a few hours later.
- Played beer pong at Lambda (or Beta??? honestly don’t remember) and made friends with a cute guy.
- Had to explain what a pregame was to a first year in my building.
- Cut the line at a lot of frats by saying “we’re with Jack” and adopting an aura of confidence.
- Went to multiple pregames with a bagel in my pocket.
Hugged both members of St. Beauty (they responded to my IG story)
Made Ty Dolla $ign’s Instagram.
- Stayed sober for 100% of Bacch day. Started drinking when the clock hit 12 lmao.
- Ty Dolla $ign SANG TO ME I’m straight now.
Went to my first frat party.
Sobered up from after the concert by going to Hex&Co and playing board games for five hours, then went to bed.
- Fell asleep to A Series of Unfortunate Events (should be what I name my weekend) after running into my philosophy professor high as shit at Bacchanal.
Bwog with Drinks and Drugs:
- Smoked more weed in one day than I ever have before in my life. Twas glorious.
- Tripped balls and experienced ego-death in the middle of JJ’s. Went to East Village and got Thai food in a (mostly) futile attempt to rediscover myself.
- Got so high that I forgot how to use a bong.
- Saw my RA doing a keg stand in EC.
Watched a documentary about counterfeit fine wine.
- Physically failed to operate a bong.
- Had 7 mimosas and scared a lot of prospies as I stumbled into Butler whining about my thesis.
- Felt spirited while a drunk football player climbed on Alma to sing the fight song at 40s on 40.
- Tried shrooms for the first time.
- Got hit by a gruesome hangover at approximately 8 PM.
- Got crossed for like 5 hours. Ended up on a wild frat-hopping adventure with Bwog, this random (but cool) guy in my astronomy class, and then friends from church.
- Lost my prospie. When rediscovered, I sighed out of relief and pulled out a Mike’s Hard Lemonade from my coat (thanks EIC). Made the worst impression.
Bwog and Love:
- Went on a date on Friday night! Hooked up and stayed the night! He texted me today and asked me out for a second date!
- Made scones. Impressed my boyfriend’s mom with said scones.
- Hooked up with the grossest man and then the handsomest man, on the same day.
- Had a wholesome ice skating date.
- Hooked up with the law student I’ve been casually seeing…ran into a friend on my way back and was asked to explain why my hair was soaking wet.
- Had three sets of friends start dating within three days…started to question my life choices.
- Went on a Costco date. It was a lot of fun, although we could not find the Triscuits to save our lives.
- Officially became gfs with the girl I’d been seeing!! Proceeded to interrupt multiple meetings I had later that day to announce my new relationship status.
- Invited an old hookup over to “sleep, but just as friends”. Did not sleep as just friends.
Bwog in the City:
- Spent $60 on Calvin Trillin books at the Strand.
- Saw the new Pacific Rim movie.
- Walked around all day with two red lipstick kisses on my face.
- Spent the entire weekend living in my friend’s single since he was away: was questioned about my motivations constantly.
- Saw Luisa Miller (which was super extra even for an opera) and ate chocolate babka in Lincoln Square.
- Had my friend sit on my lap during the Lorde concert…we were told by the couple next to us that “it made them uncomfortable” before they made him get off of me (for context: we accidentally didn’t get seats that were together but ended up finding some open ones later on).
- Went to a Lorde concert in NEWARK. learned a lot about New Jersey.
- Saw Issa Rae (AGAIN!) with Tiffany Haddish.
- Got my hair cut by a wonderful old lady at Eden Salon who lectured me about my poor hair care and sent me off with cookies.
Don’t CAVA me via Bwog Recycled Images