Bwogline: Who the hell is on Melania Trump’s staff that they keep plagiarizing her stuff? She put out a brochure on cyberbullying (the irony is still insane) called “Be Best”, and many noticed that its contents are “nearly identical” to an Obama-era booklet on the same topic. Citations are not that hard, guys. (BBC)
Study Tip: E-mail your TA with any last questions, and one of them may as well be “Do you want to get lunch sometime?”
Music: Restore your self confidence with this 2013 bop by Justin Bieber while imagining all the crazy shit he would have done with the Met Gala theme. Probably host a church service or something tbh.
Procrastination Tip: Pack up your stuff and clean your room! No late or cleaning fines > good final grades.
Overheard: “I know all of Twitter is shitting on Grimes, but come on y’all, who wouldn’t hop at Elon as a sugar daddy?”