Bwogline: In a loss that reassured both Democrats and Republicans that we haven’t gone totally insane as a country, populist and “Trumpier Than Trump” Senate candidate Don Blankenship lost the Republican primary in West Virginia.
Ok, I’m supposed to end the Bwogline there, but you have to see this. In the final days of the campaign, Blankenship turned his fire on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, claiming that Mitch’s father-in-law smuggled 90 pounds of cocaine into the country, even calling him
“Cocaine Mitch.” In response to his defeat, the McConnell team posted this on Twitter yesterday, a reference to the show Narcos. 2018 has gone too far, and it’s only May. (NYT/Twitter)
Thanks for playing, @DonBlankenship. #WVSen
— Team Mitch (@Team_Mitch) May 9, 2018
Study Tip: The Pomodoro Method is a good way to stay motivated if you have a large gap of time to fill with studying: work for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5, and every 4 breaks take a half hour. Only check your phone or Twitter during those 5 minutes: it helps to stay focused on the task at hand.
Music: “Somebody get the tacos, somebody spark the blunt / Let’s start the Narcos off at episode one”
Procrastination Tip: Pick a random Wikipedia page and see how fast you can get to “Philosophy” by only clicking hyperlinks. It’s usually possible, given enough jumps.
Overheard: “It’s not about ice cream, it’s not about sunset. It’s about the people.”
hottie via Wikipedia Commons