Pictured: Either a student in the middle of a final they haven’t studied for, or a volcano.
Bwogline: The Kilauea eruption on Hawaii is spewing high levels of toxic sulfur dioxide. A local state of emergency is in effect, with some residents evacuating to avoid lava and fires. (NYT)
Study Tip: If you’re having trouble focusing on a task (or focusing at all), start with something small and easily accomplishable– something that can be done in five-minute bursts. Beginning with an easier task is a good stepping stone to doing other work.
Procrastination Tip: Remember that list of shows you’ve always been meaning to start? Are you the one friend who still hasn’t seen Breaking Bad, or Making a Murderer, or Parks and Recreation? Just go for it.
Overheard: “Wait for me!” [Followed by audible sounds of someone falling down]
Kilauea by the USGS via Wikimedia Commons.