look how peaceful… but is it really?
Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below, and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, or if you have a correction, please let us know in the comments.
- “Engaging Boys for Gender Justice.” Monday, October 1. 1 – 2 PM. IAB, Room 8o1. Dr. Urvashi Sahn.
- “A Tribute to Lucie Brock-Broido.” Wednesday, October 3, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Miller Theater. co-presented by the Academy of American Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, The Poetry Foundation, Poets House, and the Poetry Society of America. Register here.
- “Global Language Mellon Sawyer Seminar: The Tower of Babel: Human Rights and the Paradox of Language.” Thursday, October 4, 6:15 PM. The Heyman Center, Second Floor Common Room. Moira Paz.
Monday, October 1
- “Book Talk: The War Within: Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad by Alexis Peri.” 12 – 1 PM. IAB, Room 1219. Alexis Peri.
- “A Misunderstood Friendship: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-Sung, and Sino-North.” 4 – 5:30 PM. IAB, Room 918. Zhihua Shen, Yafeng Xia.
- “The Men at The Table.” 6 – 8 PM. Pulitzer Hall, World Room. Jack Halberstam, Columbia student panel.
- “Facebook Society: Losing Ourselves in Sharing Ourselves.” 5:00 PM. Dodge Hall, Room 605. Roberto Simanowski.
- “Brothers Apart: Palestinian Citizens of Israel & the Arab World.” 12 – 1:30 PM. Knox Hall, Room 207. Maha Nassar.
Tuesday, October 2
- “Book Talk: Thomas B. Reston, “SOUL OF A DEMOCRAT: The Seven Core Ideals That Made Our Party – and Our Country – Great.” 12:10 – 2 PM. IAB, Room 1512. Thomas B. Reston, Anne Nelson, Stuart Gottlieb.
- “Trans Kids: Being Gendered in the Twenty-First Century.” 6:15 PM. The Heyman Center, Second Floor Common Room. Tey Meadows, Shamus Khan, Ken Corbett, Julia Serano.
- “H is for Human Right.”7:10 – 9:10 PM. Faculty House. Melissa Derby, Amanda Earl.
Wednesday, October 3
- “The Milstein Center Grand Opening.” 2:30 – 5:30 PM. The Milstein Center.
- “Russia’s Strategy and the Eurasian Economic Union.” 12 – 1:30 PM. IAB, Room 1219. Rilka Dragneva.
- “A Trumpian Arms Control Agenda: What Might It Be?.” 12:10 – 2 PM. IAB, 1302. Henry Sokolski, Robert Jervis.
- “82 Names: Syria, Please Don’t Forget Us.” 12:30 – 2 PM. IAB, Room 403. Maziar Bahari, Dr. Bayar Mustafa Sevdeen.
- “Aww to Ugh – The Masking of Romantic Relationships.” 6 – 7:30 PM. The Diana Center, Room 504. Sexual Violence Response.
- “Book Launch – A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism, by Jeffrey D. Sachs.” 6 – 8 PM. Faculty House, 2nd Floor. Jeffrey D. Sachs.
- “Competitiveness and Innovation in Brazil.” 6:10 – 8 PM. IAB, Room 409. José Guilherme Reis.
Thursday, October 4
- “‘Cultural Analysis In and Of Mental Health Approaches to the War on Terror,’ with Neil K. Aggarwal.” 6 – 7 PM. Fayerweather Hall, Room 513. Neil A. Aggarwal. Register here.
- “Book Talk: Post-Soviet Migration to the United States and the New Immigrant Whiteness.” 12 – 1 PM. IAB, Room 1219. Claudia Sadowski-Smith.
- “Confronting the Nazis. Reflections on the Forms and Dilemmas of Resistance.” October 4, 5:30 PM – October 5, 4:15 PM. Deutsches Haus.
- “Agenda for 2020: Can Japan Win Gold For its Economic Performance?” 6 – 7:30 PM. IAB, Room 501. Takatoshi Ito, David E. Weinstein. Register here.
- “Iuventa: Film Screening and Panel Discussion.” 6 – 8 PM. Maison Française East Gallery. Michele Cinque, Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Rajan Menon, Adam Tooze, and Nadia Urbinati. Register here.
- “Democratic Freedom as Resistance against Self-hatred, Epistemic Injustice, and Oppression in Freire’s Critical Theory.” 1 – 2 PM. IAB, Room 802. Gustavo Hessman Dalaqua, Randall Everett Allsup.
Friday, October 5
- “Trouble in Paradise: French Polynesia.” 12 – 2 PM. IAB, Room 1219. former president Oscar Temaru.
- “Classics Colloquium: Nikolaos Papazarkadas” 4:10 – 5:30 PM. Hamilton Hall, Room 603.
- “France’s Fifth Republic: Origins and Legacies.” 2:30 – 6:30 PM. Fayerweather Hall, Room 411. Grey Anderson, Adam Tooze, Nadia Urbinati, Delphine Dulong, Herrick Chapman, Emmanuelle Saada, Megan Brown, Todd Shepard, Kalinka Courtois, Luca Provenzano.
- “Songs for Krishna in Autumn: Devotional Music from North India.” 6 – 7:30 PM. Miller-Glickstein Theater. Aastha Goswami, Suryaksha Deshpande, Anirban Chakraborty, Jack Hawley.
Saturday, October 6
- “What Does Justice Look Like?: A Celebration of the Arts and Social Justice.” 12 – 4 PM. Gavin Brown’s Enterprise (439 W 127th St.) The June Jordan Fellowship and the Center for Justice at Columbia University.
Looking Ahead
- Eric Holder and the Holder Initiative will return to campus for a panel discussion on the confirmation of controversial Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on October 10 from 6 – 7:30 PM. Find more information and register here.
- Get your flu shot! Columbia students can free flu shots at these flu fairs or from Columbia health. Barnard PCHS provides free flu shots to those on the college’s insurance plan.
1 Comment
@PC Algorithm for intellectual light weights 1. Identify an area of human achievement.
2. Note a distribution of success.
3. Identify winners and losers.
4. Claim that the losers are losing because they are oppressed by the winners.
5. Claim allegiance with the losers.
6. Fell secure in your comprehensive explanation of the world and revel in your moral superiority.
7. Target your resentment toward your newly discovered enemies.
8. Repeat. Forever. Everywhere.