go!! to!! her!! talk!!
Editor’s note: This post has been updated to more accurately reflect the cause of the Palestinian protests.
Happening in the World: Israeli troops killed seven Palestinians, two of them children, at protests along the border fence. The protests were in response to calls by Hamas, the group that has controlled Gaza for the last 11 years, and have grown worse in recent weeks because of an increasing demand to end the Israeli-Egyptian blockade. More than 500 protestors were injured, including 35 children, four medics, and two journalists.
Happening in the US: Kellyanne Conway revealed to Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of The Union this morning that she is a survivor of sexual assault. She continued to explain why she believes that Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings should not become a part of the #MeToo movement but that women confront their perpetrators and hold them directly accountable.
Happening in NYC: At yesterday’s Global Citizen’s Festival, a bottle that was stepped on made a large popping noise, causing great panic among the crowd that believed it could have been an active shooter. A great rush towards the exit ensued until Coldplay’s Chris Martin came on the stage to calm the crowd. “Nobody is trying to hurt anybody,” Martin said. “You’re all safe, OK?”
Happening on Campus: Dr. Urvashi Sahni, Founder, and CEO of Study Hall Educational Foundation will be having a talk called “Engaging Boys for Gender Justice” on campus from 1 to 2 PM today at the International Affairs Building Room 801. She will be discussing the work she has done at the Prema School in India about how teachers’ can develop young boys’ feminist consciousnesses.
Bop of the Day:
Image via Brookings Institution
@Anonymous Trump is Nixon.
Whip Inflation Now (WIN) upside down reads “Nixon Is Mashugana”.
Tariffs make vending machine prices skyrocket.
@Anonymous Kansas is the real Magog because of American Indian, Hun and Viking ancestry
@Anonymous Every good muslim should love Israel. Islam comes from Judaism. Rabbi Cahab gave Omar Caliph the keys to Jerusalem. The founder of the house of Saud, Mohamed ibn Saud ibn Mokrian ibn Mordechai ibn Abraham ibn Moses ibn Rabbi ibn Emmanuel was a grandson of Sabbatai Zevi. The Sepharad were wonderful supporters of the Andalusian Moroccans.
@This is why you click the links Sorry, the Palestinians weren’t “protesting to Hamas” (whatever that means), they were heeding Hamas’ own call to protest and then threw “rocks and explosives toward Israeli troops stationed on the opposite side of the fence” according to your own source. Whoops! That doesn’t fit the narrative. Better paper it over with an incoherently formulated sentence because hey, this is Bwog, so who’s gonna notice?
Not sure if you lack basic reading comprehension or journalistic integrity. Correct this immediately.
@Nice to see that Women's Studies One of the least rigorous and methodologically sound disciplines is spreading its ideology throughout the world. Teach children to see everyone as members of a class rather than as individuals. Then, tell children that communication across classes is impossible, and the only thing that matters is power. Not competence. Sounds healthy. What could go wrong?
@Anonymous Cavemanaugh helps me understand why belly dancing
burkas prefer Catholic degree mills
@Anonymous Blasey needs a Burka. America needs more muslims.