maybe one of the coolest things to happen to Bwog
This weekend, Bwog felt a lot and we bet you did too. Send your own stories and weekend adventures to tips@bwog.com and we will add it to this list or put it on next week’s post!
Bwog gets Sexy:
- Made out with four people at a party within maybe 2 hours
- Received not one but two drunk texts from an ex
- DID NOT drunk text anyone as part of a “same person, new mistakes initiative” (and in respect to Venus retrograde)
- Planned my ex-boyfriend’s birthday party.
- Found out my crush is a tool
- Got shitfaced at “theta soirée” and hooked up with a gal, which for those of you who don’t know is uncharacteristic behavior
- I founded a new term: volcel (voluntary celibacy)
- Got $100 from getting drinks w a sugar daddy
- Tried going on a Bumble date…dinner went well but then we went to Butler together where he made a big scene, disappeared for thirty minutes, and then came back to take his stuff and randomly left without warning
- Got in a Big Fight with my boyfriend and I hate to blame my period……..but it was my period.
- Realized this week that sex is utterly useless
New Week, New Bwog:
- Finally cleaned my room so I can now see my floor!
- Watched Venom and am unashamed at how much I loved this shitty action movie
- Became best friend official with my best friend here
- Became a Yankees fan
- Got into Mongolian folk rock?
- Went from hating the Aeneid to being emotionally invested within the same chapter
- Drank on an empty stomach and puked at Brooklyn Steel.
- Partied on Saturday night and then wrote the majority of my first CC paper while intoxicated
- After spending almost all day (and the night before) smoking, I ate edibles and went to a show in E. Williamsburg. Don’t remember the second half of the show or my trip back to Columbia. (But I do remember yelling “fuck capitalism” at some point for some reason.)
- Went to First Fridays at the Frick, saw some art, heard some music.
- Ate a really good bagel. That’s all.
- Left with one small suitcase to put my winter clothes in, came back with said suitcase packed, an IKEA bag and extra plastic bag full of stuff.
Tired and Broke Bwog:
- Stayed in bed most of the day on Saturday. It was beautiful.
- Skipped a party on Saturday night to sleep for 12 hours. No regrets.
- Had plans to go to a Michelin-rated Korean place with my new roomie, but had to bail because I don’t have time and I don’t have money. :(
- Tried to find the affluent person/my new best friend in the 2022 Facebook group whose parents’ names are on the Milstein donor wall.
- Got locked out of my room naked five minutes before class and hid in the bathroom until a stranger came in and kindly went to get me a lockout key.
Bonus: Bwog meets famous people!
1 Comment
@stinker volcel has been a term for ages you absolute pleb