bwog is confirmed the 11th muse
Breaking news: Sappho’s lyrics have been uncovered to reveal a much different meaning from their original interpretations. . . meanings pretty close to announcements about Bwog’s open meeting tonight? We investigated further.
22. ]
if not, meeting
]no joy
]I bid you sing
of Bwog’s open meeting tonight, situated in
Lerner 510 as (now again) pitching
ideas around you,
at 9pm. For the room when you saw it
delighted you. And I rejoice.
32. who honored me

the sacred texts
by giving their pitches
40. but I to you of the Lerner ramps
and I will pour grapes over
87D. ]

look closely… you will read of a certain meeting tonight
138. stand to face me beloved Bwog
and open out the grace of your ideas
148. meetings without grapes is no harmless neighbor
but a mixture of both attains the height of happiness