If you’re lucky, you’ll have at least a few days of downtime between your midterms. If you do, you’ll probably look up to realize that your entire life has turned into a giant mess while you were stressing about that paper. We here at Bwog get it and we have some tips on how you can recover and be ready to take care of yourself for those finals right about the corner. Remember, self-care is important, no matter what time of year it is!
- Wash your sheets
- Do all your laundry and probably buy new socks because you’ve definitely lost half of yours
- Stock up on snacks and caffeine
- Get dinner with your friends because you’re about to not see them for several weeks
- Master the art of 15-minute power naps
- Buy a Snuggie so you can keep cozy in Butler
- Plan out a couple of friend dates well in advance so you can actually have a break and plan your studying around friends
- Get trashed, just so everything is out of your system before you have to be responsible
- Get organized! Make a list of all your finals and when they are and set reminders for yourself, just in case
- If you’re going somewhere for winter break (like home) make your travel plans in advance so you don’t have to do it last minute during finals week
- Drink water and eat healthy while you have at least a tiny bit of time
- Create a study plan so you can attempt to not cram all your studying into reading week
- Make a bunch of playlists so you have lots of different things to listen to while you study
- Vacuum
- Learn meditation or some relaxing yoga poses
- Spend 24 hours not thinking about school at all
- Sleep
that expression is a big mood via Bwog Archive