honey honey !
The Barnard Biology Department recently held its annual honey extraction on Friday, and you’re supposed to go listen to the wonderful Professor Jon Snow talk about his research on bees and honey. Obviously, I went, but didn’t listen to Professor Snow and instead just gorged myself on lots of brie smothered in honey. (Shoutout to Department Administrator Melissa Flores who chose the best honey pairing snacks and made Intro to Bio actually enjoyable).
For some actual journalistic content, I can confidently report that the honey was sweet and gooey and you stick a plate under the big (pot? extractor? something) and catch literally a liter of the good stuff. I highly recommend everyone to go next year and actually learning something about the extraction process. If not, sourdough, ricotta, and honey is a brilliant combination.

bwog loves honey !
By the way, bees are really important for the environment and we’d all die without them to pollinate things. So we should totally save them. Learn more from Save the Bees Project. Also, read more here about Professor Snow’s research, since he’s doing some amazing things with the resident bees here at Barnard.
photos via Sarah Braner and Jess Hu