Engineering Student Council met last night for a very brief meeting, hoping that all the council members could spend their valuable time on the midterms preceding Spring Break. Compared to the explosive and controversial CCSC meeting on Sunday, ESC focused on pushing through a few constitutional changes and a continuing resolution.

The first set of constitutional amendments concerned the creation of a Student Health and Wellness Representative. The discussion continued from the last week, with specific amendments proposed regarding the representative’s responsibilities in liaising with Columbia Health as well as in chairing certain committees. This position was linked to a continuing resolution on JED, which partly outlined the Student Health and Wellness Representative’s involvement with that organization and was voted upon separate to the constitutional changes.

These changes were followed by the removal of the Student Services Representative position and all related language in ESC’s constitution, including the position’s responsibilities and membership in various committees. Both of the above sets of changes were approved—first by acclamation, and then by a slightly more organized roll call vote. Afterwards, ESC passed their continuing resolution on JED, with the caveat that nothing will actually occur until the Student Health and Wellness position is filled.


  • The Class of 2020 is giving away AirPods. Want to be a part of one of the most conforming, pseudo-glamorous, iconodulist musical appliance marketing schemes? Then keep an eye out for the upcoming details about 2020’s giveaway.
  • ESC is finally being trained in running a Columbia-based domain for their website. Will we see a functioning and updated website for the first time in over a year? If everything goes as planned, then yes.
  • Ever wanted to run for student government? Are you just bursting at the seams with initiatives for ESC to pilot? Then register for elections. Registration opens on Thursday at noon and closes the Sunday of Spring Break.