Spring is here! Before the humidity descends like a plague of grasshoppers on the Ingalls farm, we’ve collected for you a list of our favorite outdoor spaces that rally ‘round Columbia’s campus— with pictures! Got one we missed? Spread the good vibes and send it in to tips@bwog.com, if you like.
First up, some lower campus classics:
- “I regularly nap under the tree… right outside Furnald. 10/10 experience, would recommend”
- “im a basic bitch, so south lawn”
- “I always feel important when I’m under a dome”
Heading up and to the east…
- “The lawn outside of Kent. Always fun to eavesdrop on an outdoor CC or UWriting class”
- “This isn’t really a sitting and hanging out place but I love leaning on the bridge between EC and west campus and watching the lights change down Amsterdam for a few minutes.”
- “This is a primo lawn, tucked up against Philosophy, the French department, and the chapel. It gets loads of sunshine!”
Finishing our Columbia tour…
- “the tables/lawn around NoCo/Pupin! It’s beautiful and not too crowded and there’s a breeze that’s nice when it’s a bit too hot.”
- “Great sculpture, great shrubbery, nice benches. Just ignore Uris if you can”
- “This path, from Earl to Lewisohn to Dodge, is a very meditative one for me. Don’t question it”
And now a brief interlude for pretty flowers:
- Near Uris. We have decided to stan
- Next to Lewisohn. This shade of yellow would go really well with Columbia blue
- This gateway is gay culture
- Maggie Jr. really IS that girl, isn’t she
Barnard time, baby!
- Benches via bwog archive
- “milstein rooftop patio!”
- “rooftop pt 2!”
No outdoor space left unappreciated! (Unless we missed one!)
- “If you have pollen allergies and need to stay indoors but still want to enjoy spring, go to Diana!”
- “the steps between the Diana Center and Altschul” – look how green that grass is!
- “The plaza outside Milbank – even though the building is a bit uglier now with all the scaffolding (tear! it! down!), it’s still a nice place to unwind.”
And finally, even though this post could go on forever with the gorgeous parks of New York, we’ve decided to spread the love for Riverside, our nearest and dearest:
- “Riverside park and the forever wild trail !!!!”
- “Seconding Riverside Park”
- “thirding riverside park!!!”
- When she goes fully green it’s over for u hoes
Take time for yourself. Go outside and breathe. Lean into those old cliches about spring being a time for growth, healing, and revitalization.
And if you have allergies, get thee to a CVS for some Claritin.
Photos via Levi Cohen and Betsy Ladyzhets.
1 Comment
@Anon Wow, Columbia’s campus is gorgeous.