Inspired by her favorite Twitter account, here are Senior Staffer Sophie Tobin’s Columbia takes on out-of-context quotes from America’s favorite tall child.
- That kid in your 200 person lecture who thinks this is a seminar for some reason.
- PrezBo’s weather machine.
- First-years trying to make friends with upperclassmen on the first day of classes.
- Halloweekend.
- The angels who work in Ferris who always give you multiple of whatever dessert you ask for.
- First-years stepping into their John Jay single.
- Columbia hitting us all up immediately after we graduate.
- Plans to pay off all your student debt.
- The 294829735 safety talks you have to attend during NSOP.
- Trying to participate in class despite having not done the reading in six weeks.
- Any class the week after syllabus week tbh.
- The people who seem to always be smoking outside Butler.
- When your paper was so shitty, an F would be too high of a grade.
- Bacchanal.
- John Jay during lunchtime.
- Seeing e-boys on campus and doing a double take because you think it might be….. THE e-boy.
- Mental Health Services/Furman.
absolute works of art via @nocontxtmulaney