Greta thinks you deserve to stay in bed, and Bwog does too.
Bwogline: Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old Sweedish climate activist icon, is Time’s 2019 person of the year! Time chose Thunberg for her climate activism off of a shortlist that included house speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Ukraine whistleblower (NYT).
Study Tip: Eat a real meal! Don’t skip out on eating to study; your brain can’t function at tip-top capacity without fuel, so do yourself a favor and take care of yourself!
Music of the Day: Lake Street Dive! I just put them on shuffle on Spotify and type type type away.
Procrastination Tip: Pull apart all of your split ends! It’s literally such a fun way to waste hours, and your eyes will only hurt a little after. Alternatively, go to your favorite grocery store and try a new cereal.
Overseen: The people at Liz’s Place using a paper cup to measure how much coffee to put in my reusable mug then throwing the paper cup in the trash, thus defeating the purpose of my reusable mug.
Greta believes in you via Wikimedia Commons