Like Meet the Press, except cuter.
It’s an exciting time here at Bwog – we have a bunch of new staff members that are joining our ranks, either as Dailies or as Staff Writers! While some of them have already gotten an article or two up, we thought it would be great to introduce a couple of them to you so you all can get to know the people behind the scenes. So, without further ado, let’s Meet the Bwabies!
Julia Tolda (NEW Staff Writer):
Pronouns: She/Her
Home Town: São Paulo, Brazil
School/Year: Barnard College, Class of 2023
Major: Psychology or Neuroscience, French Minor
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I broke my nose on a brick when I was 7, I am a vegetarian, and, although my favorite animal is the cat, I am allergic to them :((.
Leora Schloss (NEW Staff Writer):
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Town: New York City, New York
School/Year: Columbia College, Class of 2023
Major: Undecided
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I fell off a ski slope, but I wasn’t skiing.
Lillian Rountree (NEW Daily Editor):
Pronouns: She/Her
Home Town: Carrboro, North Carolina
School/Year: Columbia College, Class of 2023
Major: French and Statistics
A Fun Fact About Yourself: When I was 14, I spent two months on a horse farm in the middle of nowhere in the southwest of France. I don’t even really like horses, and the horses could tell.
Grace Li (NEW Staff Writer):
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Town: New York City, New York
School/Year: Barnard College, Class of 2023
Major: Undecided
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I had a Shawn Mendes twitter fan account in middle school, which he followed and tweeted at once.
Amrita Banerji (NEW Staff Writer):
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Town: New York City, NY
School/Year: Barnard College, Class of 2023
Major: Undeclared (but maybe Biology or Economics)
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I used to work at the AMNH on the floor below Neil deGrasse Tyson :)
Christa Bailey (NEW Staff Writer):
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Town: Greenville, South Carolina
School/Year: Barnard College, Class of 2023
Major: Idk!!
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I am an Oxford comma enthusiast and aspiring food critic AND I BARTEND!!
Charlotte Slovin (NEW Daily Editor):
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Town: San Fernando Valley, California
School/Year: Barnard College, Class of 2023
Major: Poli Sci, Anthro Minor (or the other way around, we’ll see)
A Fun Fact About Yourself: I am a grapheme-color synesthete and I can control the muscles in my eyelids 🙃
Header via Good Free Photos
@Anonymous Why are they mostly from Barnard? This is a Columbia College publication. No wonder why the articles are so biased.
@what?? so first off, it doesn’t say anywhere that Bwog is a cc poublication, second off, no club except for like student governments are restricted to a particular college. of the current board, 2/3rds are barnard and many of the editors are barnard as well. we get that you feel proud that you got into ~the college~, but if you don’t like the voice of barnard students, don’t read bwog or spec or literally any other campus publication bc barnard students are the heart and soul of so many clubs and groups on this campus. also, why are you shitting on first years joining a new club? support your peers, don’t tear them done bc you are insecure in seminars when you are undoubtedly outshined by barnard students.
@Anonymous butt hurt alert!
@what?? (again) no, just annoyed that cc men are so insecure that they feel the need to mock members of their sister school, acting like we aren’t smart or part of columbia even though we were literally made for women who couldn’t go to cc since we weren’t allowed until 1983. the og commenter’s take on barnard is a product of generations of institutionalized sexism that has benefited off of the supremacy of white men, especially in academia. any barnard student could have gotten into columbia, we chose to go here bc it’s attitudes like yours that want to belittle and diminish our successes, intelligence, and sense of self. we all go to the same college, can’t you just act like it?
@Delusional >any Barnard student could have gotten into Columbia
And into the trash it goes.