Mondays to feel like Mondays so I’ll finally stop sleeping through my 10:10’s…
The first two days back to class after extended spring break was a mess. I went to sleep at around 6 am both days and accidentally slept through both of my 10:10 classes.
My seminar professor actually called me out on my absences, so I decided I would change my ways and do my best to make it. Here’s a thing or two I did to try to make my Mondays at home feel less like an extension of the weekend and like it was an actual start to the week.
My sleep schedule was absolutely wrecked after spring break. I had gotten into the bad habit of going to bed at around 6 am, which is not at all sustainable if you have a professor expecting you to be able to discuss the readings at a ripe 10 am. So, the first thing I did was go to sleep at a much more reasonable 2 am, instead of 6 am, so I got to have an extra 4 hours of sleep! No more debates about if I should just stay up and pull an all-nighter for Monday.
Upon getting a little more sleep, I woke up at 9:40 for my 10:10. I employed the classic staggered alarms trick on my phone (pro-tip: use different sounds for each time so you can’t just incorporate the alarm sound into your dream… I don’t know the science behind this but it’s worked for me thus far). I also had my mom come wake me up and talk to me to emulate my roommates who would usually be scuttling around. I can’t say I woke up glowing and with a song in my heart, but it did the trick.
I then made a straight shot of espresso because nothing says “Good morning!” more than piping hot bean juice down your throat. No point in wasting time putting in milk and sugar when you have about 5 minutes before class.
I pulled on a mildly acceptable sweater and was off on my long commute to my desk. I opened up my planner to start a to-do list for the day, clicked on the class’s Zoom link, and went to class.
Image via Monday Lovers