If you’ve actually been to Mondel’s Chocolate comment below.
Name, School, Major, Hometown: Julia Schreder, Columbia College, English/Political Science, Weston, Connecticut
Claim to Fame: founder of Ref Spotting, Feditor in Chief, proud Owl House resident, sTuDiEd aBrOaD, devoted Shakespeare stan, fourth runner up for Salutatorian, Dean’s List Fall 2018.
Where are you going? To take a nap. It’s been a year, man. Hopefully after that, somewhere off the 1 Line.
What are 3 things you learned at Columbia?
- Take four EASY classes your freshman fall. That way you can focus your energy on meeting new people and settling into this strange, strange place.
- Squeeze as much money out of this school as you can. I think I’ve seen at least 10 plays on Columbia’s dollar at this point.
- Befriend upper-classmen! They will be far more helpful than your advisors, and they’re more fun, too.
“Back in my day…” Amigos Tuesdays, Journalism Joe’s was Up Coffee and Basics was Artopolis, no Lulu Lemon, Dos Toros, Blue Bottle, or H-Mart, Hungarian was cash only, Koronet’s had mirrors, MSWGB was all the rage (s/o to Amy), Carman didn’t look like the Marriott, and Milstein didn’t exist.
Favorite Columbia controversy? That one kid who stood up during the first LitHum lecture with the entire class of 2021 and recited the opening of the Illiad from memory, in Greek. My biggest piece of advice? Don’t be that kid. We still make fun of them.
What was your favorite class at Columbia?
I’ve taken a couple of great ones! Shakespeare in America with James Shapiro, Origins and Meanings with Brian Greene (a must-take for the Science requirement), Indian Writing in English with Gauri Viswanathan, Acting I with Sharon Fogarty (just for fun!), CC with Charley McNamara.
If I had to choose just one, I’ll be annoying and say that it was actually one I took in London when I STUDIED ABROAD that will quite literally never be offered again. Sorry ‘bout it.
Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? I need to take a Lactaid before either, so doesn’t really matter to me.
Whom would you like to thank?
My many excellent and formative professors and mentors: Professors Cruz, Dames, McNamara, Milarsky, Nacos, Robertson, Russell, (James) Shapiro, (Bob) Shapiro, and Dean Plaa.
The JJ’s staff for the flawless Oscars event that I have NEVER missed; Chef Mike, for the bobblehead,
Everyone over at the Fed-–thanks for coming along for the ride, even on Zoom. Everyone on ski team for shreddin’ it, and indulging in some very strange C-4 related antics. Everyone in CUO for keeping music a vital and vibrant part of my life. My Ref Spotting E-board: thanks for some long and Redbull infused evenings.
My London crew, my Berlin crew, Carman 911, Mc6, Owl House, EC North. The Survivor Group Chat. Sexy FireN00ds.
Fahrim at the Broadway and 115th Halal Cart, and everyone at Max Cafe.
Finally, my family: Mom, Dad, Natalie, Matthew, Grandma, and Grandma. I couldn’t have done it without you.
One thing to do before graduating: Go to Mondel’s Chocolate. Has anyone ever been there?? How are they still in business??!!
Any regrets? Not having tried sushi before arriving at Columbia and thus thinking that Cafe East sushi was the best sushi in the world for a couple of years. Truly embarrassing.
Portrait via Julia
@Anonymous Best wisdom so far this year!!
@CP great wisdom and yes, Mondels is a beautiful place
@enthusiast Mondel Chocolates is great!! Katharine Hepburn got her chocolates there!! https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/nyregion/mondel-chocolates-shop-in-manhattan.html