Unsure of what to do with your Columbia University brochure, now that you have been accepted? Deputy Events Editor Julia Tolda has an idea…
Between all the essays and exams, the housing and the partying, the P’s and all the F’s, Barnumbia students deserve a break. And what’s better than good ol’ fashioned collage making? Very little, dear reader, very little. With some glue, scissors and a magazine, you too can release your inner artists. Or perhaps, for once, relax.
Ghosting Nowhere but here
PS: You can find more of my work at @magpiecollages on Instagram!
Columbia Collages via Julia Tolda.
@Anonymous Dear Incoming Students: The author of this piece, like most of Bwog’s staff, goes to Barnard. Bwoggers apparently think “Barnumbia” is a clever combination of Columbia and Barnard. It isn’t. And really, outside of Bwog, you won’t find the made-up word in common use at the University. I have no idea why they keep it up. Maybe it’s their way of owning Columbia students. They should be a little less immature. Maybe someday. Welcome to Columbia and/or Barnard.
@Anonymous dear incoming students: this commenter is super fucking lame. people use barnumbia, and if you have a problem with it, you probably hate women. bwoggers come from CC, barnard, GS, and SEAS alike; this commenter is just lame, butthurt, sexist, and elitist. they probably don’t even go to columbia anymore. don’t listen to lames.
@Anonymous op said “columbia men have nothing to lose but their chains”
@Anonymous are you seriously this bored?