Welcome to the new school year! Get back into the swing of things with some on-campus events this week.

Here at Bwog, we do our best to bring your attention to important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you have a correction or an addition, let us know in the comments or email events@bwog.com.

Student Event Spotlight

  • Today is the Columbia Welcome Week BBQ featuring WKCR’s Fall Concert! Enjoy some amazing barbeque options and fun summer games as we prepare for the start of classes. This event features fantastic DJs and performances from Columbia’s own WKCR radio station. Vegan and vegetarian options will be available. The barbecue and concert will be happening on South Lawn from 2 to 6 pm EDT.
  • On Tuesday, September 13, from 8 to 9 pm, the Columbia Journal of Asia (CJA) will welcome Indian novelist, literary critic, and classical musician Amit Chaudhuri for the first of its Fall 2022 Speaker Series. The event will feature a reading and discussion of Dr. Chaudhuri’s newest book, Sojourn, and his engagement with themes of diaspora and Asian antiquities, with time for audience Q&A. The event is open to all! Columbia University affiliates are invited to attend in-person in Fayerweather 411, while a Zoom livestream will be available to the public. Please register in advance at tinyurl.com/cja-amitchaudhuri, and reach out to columbiajournalofasia@gmail.com with any questions.

If your club or organization is interested in having your event featured in our weekly roundup, please submit them to events@bwog.com or DM us on Instagram @bwog.


  • On Tuesday, September 13, from 12 to 1:30 pm EDT, is the discussion “Journalism During Wartime: A Conversation with the Kyiv Independent.” The Kyiv Independent is a leading English-language media source based in Ukraine. Olga Rudenko (Chief Editor, Kyiv Independent) and Daryna Shevchenko (CEO, Kyiv Independent) will talk about the Kyiv Independent’s work in Ukraine and about the challenges of reporting in a country that is at war. This a hybrid event. Registration is required for in-person attendance.
  • Also on Tuesday, from 4 to 5:30 pm, the Columbia Journalism Review will host the panel discussion “The Objectivity Wars” about the future of journalism and how it’s practiced. The traditional, both-sides, neutral-toned model of reporting and objectivity, seen as a bulwark against a decline in media trust, is often pitted against a more muscular, outspoken journalism in response to a nation, and a profession, under siege. Is it possible for the two sides to come together? Jelani Cobb, Dean of the Columbia School of Journalism, will introduce the panelists. Online RSVP is required for this event, which will be held in person in Pulitzer Hall and live-streamed.
  • On Wednesday, September 14, from 7 to 9:30 pm, Columbia Teachers College will be screening the 2021 documentary Above Water by French director Aïssa Maïga. Above Water focuses on 12-year-old Houlaye, who lives in a village in Tatis, Niger, and walks for several miles with other children every day to fetch water from a well. The community eventually convinces an NGO to build a well in the village, bringing the promise of a new life for the villagers. The screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A with Upmanu Lall and Rhiannon Stephens. Online RSVP is required.

welcome back! via Bwarchives