Looking for a new TV show to binge watch this weekend? Look no further—Bwog(lines) has got you covered!

Happening in the World: WNBA star Brittany Griner has been released from Russia, and is expected to fly back to the US and land in San Antonio, Texas. Griner was handed a nine-year sentence by a Russian court in October, after being detained for carrying less than a gram of cannabis oil at the airport. Her release came in a prisoner swap with convinced arms dealer Viktor Bout, who is also known as the “Merchant of Death” and had been in an American jail for the past 12 years on a conviction of conspiracy to kill Americans and support terrorists. However, the swap that took place yesterday in Abu Dhabi did not include Paul Whelan, a corporate security executive who the State Department affirms was also wrongfully detained. (BBC)

Happening in the US: The first three episodes of a new series on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was released yesterday, with a focus on their romance, engagement, and marriage. The opening instalments offer a glimpse into their personal story, where an American actress meets the youngest son of Princess Diana in 2016, and forms a whirlwind romance. However, there are hints of general criticism at the royal family, with allegations that they failed to help Meghan grasp the protocols that form a part of royal life and were dismissive of claims that she endured a barrage of racist coverage by the press, particularly due to her biracial heritage. (NPR)

Happening in NYC: The seating arrangement on the subway which encourages riders to look out the window or engage in conversation with fellow commuters is being removed. The MTA has invested $1.7 billion into the construction of 640 futuristic subway cars, which will replace the cars that have orange and yellow seats grouped in doubles and triples. Instead, the new trains will feature fixed and folding benches, in addition to extra space on the end. The old cars which have been in service since the 1970s break down more frequently than their modern counterparts, providing less reliable service and increasing construction work for the transport authority. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: Wondering what it’s like to be a graduate student in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures? Then feel free to join an open class on “Art of the Americas under Neo-Liberalism” with Professor Ester Gabara today, from 12 to 2 pm in Room 201 at Casa Hispánica. This event on non-literary fiction is organized as part of the graduate seminar on “The Visual Turn in Literary Studies.”

Harry and Meghan via Wikimedia Commons