Finals time! Hope you don’t need it, but good luck everyone!
Bwog indulged in substances:
- Went to Drunk Late Nite while drunk.
- Was drunk.
- Bitched about everything that bothers me while drunk!
- Threw a little winter party! ‘Twas successful and drank a lot of mulled wine.
- Had some mulled wine with another Bwogger <3.
- Did weed for the very first time (edibles) (they did nothing).
- Got incredibly wasted. Have not been that wasted since high school.
- Miraculously did not have a hangover.
- Drank more caffeine than I have since high school. My body is a temple.
Bwog followed the World Cup:
- Watched England-France at Mel’s.
- Watched Argentina beat the Netherlands in a random German bar near Times Square. Cheered at the top of my lungs with some random Argentine grandpas and *almost* accepted an offer of beer from them.
- Was kicked out of Amity during the Argentina game because they had programmed a private event at 5 pm. Ridiculous.
- Screamed about the World Cup in many different circumstances.
- Tore down the roof of the Maison Française at the Arab Music Ensemble concert both from playing and from celebrating Morocco’s win.
Bwog finished up some projects:
- Finished an essay four days early. I have not done that in so long.
- Finished a poster worth 40% of my grade, why is that real.
- Studied an ungodly amount. Drank a heinous amount of coffee.
- Got up and spoke for 10 minutes straight in a foreign language for a presentation… realized how far I’ve come from knowing virtually nothing last year.
- Barfed out 13 pages of writing and turned them in.
- Grustled, got a kind of ridiculous amount of work done that I’d been putting off.
- Turned in my grad school applications!
Bwog got involved in non-theatrical drama:
- Got a bit too silly. One of my classes tomorrow is going to be interesting to say the absolute least.
- Realized how insanely small of a world campus can be sometimes.
- Talked my friend through a pregnancy scare and the fact that it might not be a scare…
- Talked shit with my friend about our mutual acquaintances.
- Got hit on by people I know.
- Realized two of my closest friends don’t really like each other.
Real classroom via Bwarchives