On the fourth day of housing selection, Columbia gave to me… Only six suites left in EC!

Four days in, seven to go! After today’s choices, suites are seriously scarce, but studio doubles and corridor-style rooms remain abundant. Rising juniors, it may be time to text your housing group chats and figure out your backup plan. Rising sophomores… Good luck, Charlie.

Today, corridor singles in Schapiro and Wien went quickly. The final River room was taken, rendering the entire dorm officially off the market. The 17 remaining Woodbridge options were selected, as well as all of the Watt 2-person suites. This all sounds quite dire, but some good options still remain!

What’s gone:

  • Hogan
  • Woodbridge
  • River
  • Watt 2-person suites

What’s scarce:

  • 47 Claremont: One 5-person suite, ten 7-person suites
  • 548 W 113th: Eight studio doubles
  • 627 W 115th: One studio double, two 3-person suites
  • Plimpton: Two 6-person suites
  • Ruggles: One 4-person suite, five 6-person suites, 13 8-person suites
  • East Campus: Six corridor doubles (did anyone else not know these existed???)
  • Harmony: two 6-person suites

What’s left: 

  • 600 W 113th (Nuss): 72 corridor doubles, one 5-person suite
  • Broadway: 112 corridor singles, 23 corridor doubles
  • Carlton: 52 corridor singles, 132 corridor doubles
  • Harmony: 42 corridor singles, four corridor doubles
  • Hartley: 81 corridor singles, 16 corridor doubles
  • McBain: 11 corridor singles, 178 corridor doubles
  • Schapiro: 89 corridor singles, 83 corridor doubles
  • Watt: 54 studio doubles
  • Wien: 79 corridor singles, 40 corridor doubles

See, it’s not all bad! Yet. If your housing group is scrambling to find plan B, check out Bwog’s Housing Reviews here. See ya tomorrow!

Chillary in EC via Bwarchives