Staff Writer Matthew Gay Trinket Hops himself in an effort to offer a glimpse into the vibe of his headspace and room.
My room is full of miscellaneous knick-knacks that reveal the most important parts of my psyche: my Texan pride, my music taste, my literary ventures, and my complicated ex-theatre kid status. I hope you get some ideas for how to decorate your dorm room from this article, and if Texas or Taylor Swift-related iconography offends you, click off now!
- The Buc-ee’s bumper sticker that I have taped above my bed
We could all use a little more Buc-ee’s in our lives. This sticker not only reminds me of the greatest gas station/mercantile/restaurant in the entire state of Texas, but also of my beloved car that I had to leave behind when I moved here. Texas forever!

2. 1989 Polaroids
Are those the- the original 1989 CD-exclusive Polaroid pictures? Yes, yes they are. I have these taped in a row right by my bed and window to remind myself why I’m here at all: to live the life Taylor promised me I deserve on her best album and pop masterpiece 1989! Welcome to New York, baby!

3. Signed postcard from my Lorde and savior
Lorde wrote me a personalized note on a postcard from Antarctica and signed it. Now you’re jealous.

4. A Doll’s House playbill signed by the entire cast (including Jessica Chastain, who is so lovely in person!)
I saw A Doll’s House on Broadway directed by Jamie Lloyd and starring Academy-Award winner Jessica Chastain, and not only did it change my life, but I have this special playbill to commemorate the night!

5. This super cool copy of one of my favorite books Wuthering Heights! (Nerd alert)
Whenever I travel, I’m always on the lookout for cool indie bookstores that might have an edition of Wuthering Heights that I don’t have, and this one is the coolest I have ever found. It also has red sprayed edges!

And that’s all! I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my room, and hopefully got inspiration for how to get these extremely rare and coveted items that only I possess!
Trinkets Galore via author