Group the words that share a common connection. The answers to the puzzle will be written below the directions. 


In this game:

Blue = Level 1 Difficulty

Green = Level 2 Difficulty

Yellow = Level 3 Difficulty

Purple = Level 4 Difficulty

Examples of a possible connection:

INGREDIENTS: Turmeric, Cilantro, Onion, Garlic

Watch out for words that could potentially have more than one possible connection! Each puzzle has just 1 solution. May the odds be ever in your favor. 


Blue: POLARIZING POP-CULTURE TOPICS ON CAMPUS: Taylor Swift, Whether or not Barnard = CU, CU Homecoming, Hewitt dining. 

Green: ATHENA CENTER COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: Fellows, Storytelling, Dialogue, Social Change

Yellow: PAST/CURRENT BARNARD-BADDIE OBSESSIONS: That 1 CU WBB Player, Barnard Bob, Ribbons As Shoe Laces, Balaclava Scarves 

Purple: UNSUNG HEROES OF 110TH-120TH ST: Halal Guys, Ivy League Stationers, Hungarian, Grace Dodge Staff

Barnard Zine via Archives