Robert Murdoch is set to reduce which of his kids will inherit the family business. 

Happening in the World: Shanghai has been hit by the strongest Typhoon storm they’ve experienced since 1949 and is now dealing with shutdowns city-wide. Starting Sunday at 8 pm, all flights departing from the city were canceled, several high-speed train routes were shut down, and the city’s Disneyland location has been closed. Due to Typhoon Bebinca’s 94 miles per hour winds, everything from buildings and electric poles to billboards are being destroyed. Officials are predicting the storm to dissipate by the end of the day and continue moving westward. However, Shanghai’s meteorological authorities believe that another typhoon is forming in the same area Bebinca originated, and there is a possibility it will hit Shanghai within the week. (NYT)

Happening in the US: Robert Murdoch’s family court battle to determine who will inherit his media empire, and the £14.9 billion trust, upon his death, began on Monday in Nevada. Mr. Murdoch owns Fox and News Corporation, which in itself possesses ownership of the Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Sun. Within the case, Mr. Murdoch is aiming to alter the 1999 family trust that granted equal control of the family business to his four eldest children, Prudence, Elisabeth, Lachlan, and James as he wants his eldest son, Lachlan, to have sole control instead without sibling interference. This comes as a result of a rift that occurred within the family due to differences in political views and led to Mr. Murdoch stepping down as chairman late last year, so that Lachlan may take his place. His other three elder children are said to be pushing back against this. (BBC)

Happening in NYC: Two former FDNY chiefs, Anthony Saccavino and Brian Cordasco, were arrested this morning on federal bribery charges. During their time as chiefs, the men had accepted $190,000 in bribes to fast-track building inspections and worked through a former firefighter who was promising to speed up the building inspection and construction plan review processes. Saccavino and Cordasco are currently being charged on counts of conspiracy to solicit and receive bribes, as well as wire fraud and providing false statements. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: On Tuesday from 10 am to 2 pm, ColumbiaDoctors Outreach is sharing healthy and affordable tips on making school lunches at the Haven Plaza’s farmers’ market. Those who attend will be provided with educational materials and giveaways. For more information, visit here. 

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