Staff writer Gina Brown reviews her younger sister Ella Brown’s Hewitt single!

My younger sister Ella is a freshman at Barnard. I am a junior. People keep asking me if I like that she’s at the same college as me, but the answer will always be YES! Sisters share a bond like no other, and I am thrilled she will get to experience how amazing the Barnumbia community can be. I am, however, jealous of her Hewitt single, which I did not have the good fortune to have myself when I was a freshman. So, I reviewed her room to see if she’s taking advantage of it in the proper way.

The centerpiece of Ella’s room is truly her harp, which is massive. Taller and much heavier than her, it takes two people to move it around. Ella is a talented harpist who is doing the cross-registration program with the Manhattan School of Music. Sometimes it feels like she has the cooler hobby (I do ballet) but I am proud of her nonetheless. I love telling people she’s a harpist, and they gasp, “she plays the HARP?” I can nod happily: that’s my little sister!

Ella’s bed is very cozy, with so many stuffed animals that I have no clue how she has enough space to sleep. Some of these stuffies she’s had since she was small, some new. She found the quilted comforter at a store in western Mass, and I am incredibly jealous of how cute it is!

Ella’s photo collection. The top poster is from Little Bear, a show we both enjoyed immensely as children. The other photos were found on Pinterest, and she downloaded them and printed them through Shutterfly. Some highlights of her favorite musicians on the wall are Sade, Simon and Garfunkel, Adrianne Lenker, Radiohead (I’m responsible for that I fear), and First Aid Kit (also a pair of sisters!).

Ella only has 4 books in her room, whereas I have like 40, but I respect her (I have no control myself). The Zadie Smith book I picked out for her last summer at a bookstore in Lenox, Massachusetts, but ‘til this day, she has not read it. Sorry for calling you out there, goober. Ella is also a plant girlie, and this is one of the many other plants he has in her room, here and in Massachusetts.

Moving on to Ella’s desk: this is my favorite corner. The horse music box was a present from our parents long ago, and I have a matching ballerina one. I can still remember the sound of the music even now. The little bowls hold other jewelry, and she has plenty of pens!

Ella’s Say Anything poster. I don’t really understand this one, but she says she “LOVES Lloyd Dobler,” to which I replied: “what kind of name is that?” Go off, queen.

Ella’s cute mirror, where she gets ready every morning! Isn’t she the most perfect? Also, check out the fireplace that doesn’t work in the background; instead, she displays her plants on storage dividers. 

Thanks for the tour, Ella! What a cute single. I give it my highest rating. Best wishes to an excellent freshman year!

All photos via Bwogger Gina Brown