Not only is voting super cool, it’s also very important. If the whole democracy thing isn’t convincing enough, here are some other reasons why you should head to the polls during fall break! 

Fall break is upon us, and with that comes the excitement of Election Day! While early voting has been happening for a while, it all comes to a head on Tuesday. If you haven’t already, here are some reminders on why and how you should vote: 

  1. More women than men have voted consistently in every election since 1976. Ladies, we can’t let this trend change! And men…do better.
  2. It’s so fun. Do you remember that rush of being the first to finish a multiple choice exam in third grade? It’s the same feeling, but even better because you know you’re saving democracy. Go with a friend and race to see who can fill out their ballot (in an informed manner) the fastest! 
  3. You get an “I Voted” sticker. Not only do you get the reward of being a civic participant, but you get a little treat, too! Plus, you can post it on your Instagram story.
  4. Local races matter. If you are from a deep blue or deep red state, you may think your vote is not as valuable, but for seats for Congresspeople and local representatives, every vote matters. This is about more than just the president—it’s about the laws that get passed for the next two to four years.   

Voting is so, so, important, and the value increases in each election. It’s essential to do your part. Mail those absentee ballots, head to the polls, and go vote by this Tuesday, November 5th!

Find your polling place.

Check your voter registration, ballot status, and more.

Voting Buttons via Bwarchives