It’s almost the end. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of animal abuse. 

Bwogline: In New Zealand, the government announced its plan to outlaw greyhound racing. New Zealand is one of the few countries where greyhound racing still operates and there have been too many dogs hurt or killed due to the sport. The number of fatalities has led to animal welfare campaigns against the sport and increasing public distaste for the racing. The greyhound racing ban is not yet a law but it has universal political support with a plan to stop the racing on August 1, 2026, to allow the racing dogs to be rehoused and the people working in the industry to find different jobs. (ABC

Study Tip: Make a master checklist of everything that you want to complete each day. Then, check things off as you complete them. This may help with productivity. 

Music of the Day: “Glorious,” by Macklemore. 

Procrastination Tip: Do the work that is due next week before finishing the work that is due tomorrow. This is still considered productivity, right? 

Overseen/Overheard: Listening to theta waves can help with your memory. This can help you cram on the last day of reading period.

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