This week’s events include a celebration of the legacy of MLK, Barnard’s first Zora Neale Hurston summit, and a talk with City Council Member Chi Ossé.
Here at Bwog, we do our best to bring your attention to important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you have a correction or addition, let us know in the comments or email
Student Spotlight:
Film Screening: There Is Another Way
- Tuesday, January 28, 4 pm, Lerner Hall, Satow Room (5th Floor).
- This documentary screening follows members of Combatants for Peace, an Israeli-Palestinian NGO supporting an end to violence in the region. The event is co-hosted by CU Jews for Peace and Columbia Political Union, and the film will be followed by a Q&A with filmmakers and activists from Combatants for Peace.
- Register here.
If your club or organization is interested in having your event featured in our weekly roundup, please submit them to or DM us on Instagram @bwog.
SPARK: Faculty Lunch with Professor Angelo Caglioti
- Wednesday, January 29, 12 to 1 pm, Milstein 404.
- Professor Angelo Caglioti of the Barnard History Department will discuss dictatorship and transitions of power in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a focus on Italy. The event is hosted by the Athena Center for Leadership CoLab and lunch will be provided.
- Register here.
From Another Place – James Baldwin & Sedat Pakay in Istanbul
- Wednesday, January 29, 5 to 6:30 pm, Schermerhorn 612.
- This film screening and panel will explore author James Baldwin’s journey through Turkey as seen through Sedat Pakay. The event, hosted by the Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies, will feature the short film James Baldwin: From Another Place, and the discussion will include Maureen Freely, a novelist and translator, Nicholas Boggs, a Baldwin biographer, and Timur Pakay, son of Sedat Pakay.
- Register here.
Community Organizing in New York City: A Talk with Chi Ossé
- Wednesday, January 29, 11:45 am to 1 pm, Allan Rosenfield Building, Room 532AB.
- This talk featuring New York City Congressman Chi Ossé is sponsored by the Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health at the Mailman School of Public Health. Ossé is the youngest-ever elected member of City Council and will discuss his political journey and public advocacy.
- Registration not required for CUID holders.
Unarmed Truths: Celebrating the Life and Legacy of MLK
- Thursday, January 30, 5 to 7 pm, Low Library Rotunda.
- Hosted by the Undergraduate Community Initiative, this celebration of the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. will include a speech from civil rights and environmental leader Ben Jealous (CC ’94), readings from students, and music performances, and a reception. Jealous is the executive director of the Sierra Club, has a background in activism, and served as president of the NAACP.
- Register here.
- Friday, January 31 to Saturday, February 1, 10 am to 5 pm, Various Locations.
- This inaugural two-day event organized by the Zora Neale Hurston Trust will celebrate the legacy of one of Barnard College’s most famous alumnae. The summit will include over 70 speakers, including Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be An Antiracist. A full schedule of events can be found here.
- Register here.
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