All the love to these classes, they just weren’t for us right now!

As the add/drop period comes to an end, Columbia and Barnard students alike are officially solidifying their schedules for the Spring semester. The Spring semester shopping period tends to be one that ebbs and flows more than that of the Fall, as there is not an entire Summer between class registration to ruminate on your past choices. We at Bwog want you to know that dropping classes is COMPLETELY normal and actually encouraged when it comes to making sure your schedule fits YOU the best! In fact, here are some classes that Bwoggers had to drop this semester and why:

  1. International Politics

I dropped International Politics because I realized one of my other classes required me to read one full book a week as well as write a 20-page midterm paper. I definitely could not keep up with both of these 4-credit courseloads at once! Especially on top of my other multiple classes. Also, I really didn’t want to do a Friday discussion section…

  1. Restoration and 18th Century Drama, Performance, and Adaptation

There was no crazy reason for dropping this class but I think this is the third semester that I’ve enrolled in and then dropped a class taught by Patricia Denison. I’ve never even attended any of them. Sorry Pat! One day we shall take a class together, but then again, maybe not. 

  1. Religion and Political Thought

This class had too much reading and I’m already taking two English classes. I think I would have been more interested if the class focused on religion and political thought over time or in the modern day versus just in the Enlightenment period. Also, I don’t like taking 4:10 pm classes.

  1. Law & Society

I am technically still enrolled in this class, but I will probably drop it. Not because I’m taking 22 credits and I’m overwhelmed, but because there is a man in this class who comes in 20 minutes late every single day and then immediately starts talking over the (female) professor for the rest of class. I’m simply not strong enough to deal with that every M/W at 10:10. I acknowledge my weakness.

  1. Literature and Psychoanalysis

I am a science major and thought I could handle a higher-level English class… but I couldn’t, we started off reading stuff I didn’t understand… I had to leave. The professor was super cool and very chill, but I knew my freshman year writing seminar background wasn’t going to be enough to carry me through this class.

  1. The Arabic Novel

I realized I had to write weekly responses to more than 100 pages worth of readings every time and my senioritis kicked in :,(

Image via Bwarchives