I know it’s not required, it does nothing for my aggravation

The premise of extra credit is deceptively simple. And I say deceptively for good reason, for I often feel like I’m being deceived when a class decides to ever so kindly offer extra credit, a privilege not afforded by all professors, and thus making the opportunity to earn extra credit coveted. 

I get it, extra credit requires extra effort. It’s right there in the name. I understand that I am in no way obligated to do the extra credit. I understand that it is my choice to do the extra credit. I understand that extra credit is meant to extend your learning experience. I understand all of that.

What I do not understand is why on earth it has to be such an ordeal to get extra credit. Please explain to me why I not only have to attend a lecture (that realistically I don’t care about and likely will not find interesting or enlightening), but am then required to write a three page essay reflecting on the event? Excuse me? Three pages? A paragraph, sure. Even a page of reflection (double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, of course), I could get behind. But three pages? I don’t want to write three pages! Does my professor really want to read three half-assed pages of my reflection on Dr. So and So’s opinions about transportation in Manhattan? I’m almost certain they have better things to do. And if they don’t, that really can’t be my problem. 

I have enough problems. One of them being that apart from the absolutely ludicrous request that I write a three page reflection on an event, said events always seem to be scheduled at the absolute WORST times. Am I expected to organize my life around extra credit lectures?

Another problem is that, on the miraculous chance you are able to attend, the lecture is almost entirely empty. Terrible. Awful. 0/10. Do you turn around and bolt out the door before they can see you? Do you hunker down and take it, drinking water like a camel to keep your eyes open? The horror of having the presenter’s full attention is enough to make you want to fake a stroke. 

And then, after all of that, I have to WRITE A THREE PAGE PAPER???

Again, I understand that I don’t have to do it. And yes, I am being dramatic. And yes, I did write this instead of writing my three page reflection. And?

Make extra credit more accessible! Let me excel!

Header Image via Bwarchives