Why can’t we just call them something else if they are not in the MIDDLE of the semester???
Instead of studying for said “midterm,” I decided to start this rant at 1 am. It is only the fifth week of a seventeen-week long semester and I already have exams, or how American college institutions like to phrase it, “midterms.” Last I checked, I thought MIDterms should refer to exams that come in the MIDDLE of a term… so then why do I check the syllabus page of my course each semester to find not only two, but also three midterms scheduled? Does the middle of the semester come two or three times a year??
The worst part about midterm season is that when it starts, it doesn’t end… until, I guess, finals. It’s ridiculous to go around saying “Oh yeah, I have a midterm this week,” when there are two weeks left until finals. Every time I receive those long emails about resources available to “take care of my mental health” during midterm week, I always wonder which week they are referring to because it feels like midterm season is a whole two and a half months. Are they wishing me good luck for that particular week, or do the well wishes apply to all my “midterm” weeks? Someone please let me know because I need all the good luck in the world to PASS THESE EXAMS!!

The greater problem with the word “midterm” is the weight that the word carries. Everyone on campus associates midterms with long and stressful nights of cramming information that’s worth a good 20% chunk of the overall grade. The exam system is solely based on performing to the best of one’s ability every single week. I’m no Psychology major, but I believe that this prolonged anxiety is what leads to eventual burn-out… at least that’s what I feel internally after each semester is over. The thought of taking another “midterm” makes me feel more exhausted than thinking about finals week, because at least that is contained within a single week. With “midterms,” I can’t really say the same.
The emotional connotation of a word matters. Maybe we are so stressed-out because college institutions keep using the word “midterm” for every single exam or quiz that is not a final.
So next week, I’m just taking a few short quizzes… right?
Ugh, no. I’m still stressed out *insert a million crying emojis*.
Header Image via Bwarchives
Stress via Bwarchives
@ria INCREDIBLE PIECE. so relatable
@zala this is so real! great article!
@Anonymous This is so relatable!!!