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Posts Tagged with "stress busting"

On February 29th, Staff Writer Erika Avallone attended an immersive experience and lecture featuring Ursula Kwong-Brown, researcher, composer, and media artist, and Professor Darcy Kelley, seeking to uncover the similarities between amphibian and human cognition.

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It may not be quite as exciting as a Saturday night, but Live At Lerner promises to be a free and relaxing break from cramming for midterms. There’s talk of stress-busting back rubs, free food (both healthy, and “comfort,” notes the Facebook event), a photo booth with props, and a pumpkin patch.  Stop by Lerner Piano […]

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Bwog’s In-House Masseuse Zoe Camp is not techinically a Stressbuster. She went through with training,  but didn’t get certified officially. That can’t stop her from telling you how to help yourself relax during this stressful time, in the first installment of our new relaxation series. Treat yourself (literally!) after your long day of finals. Ah, […]

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What’s that? “There’s no better way to spend a stressful pre-exam-week Sunday than with a block party,” you say? You’re in luck. Chicano Caucus and Grupo Quisqueyano will be holding a Latino Block Party on Lehman Lawn from 2 to 7 pm. There will be free food and performances all day–featuring Mariachi performers, Ballet Folklorico […]

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It’s been a very stressful week—sophomores made major decisions, everyone except for seniors chose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or none of their best friends to live with. Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed from all of our trite “Midterms are here!” ledes, midterms are here. We’ve brought you Brocrastination, kept you […]

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Urban canines visiting Chelsea are mistaken for cross-dressing prostitutes. (NY Mag) Trader Joe’s not so secretly joins the influx of grocery stores on the UWS. (Westside Independent) Obama could make Columbia Professor Michael Woodford the new Donald Kohn. (Reuters) Reagan’s face threatens Ulysses S. Grant’s. (LA Times) Repression can lead to all kinds of problems. […]

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Contessa Gayles woke up very, very early to meditate and hang out with Columbia’s Bhakti Club. After a 7:00 AM mantra meditation session, she sat down to talk with Gadadhara Pandit Dasa, the current—and first ever— Hindu chaplain at Columbia. They spoke about a typical day in the life of a Hare Krishna monk, and […]

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