Two days until Valentine’s Day! Still unsure what to do? Don’t worry. I’ve compiled a list of date ideas from new Bwoggers who have successfully taken Bwog out on a date for their applications.
So, you’ve finally scored the number of your class crush? Or maybe you’re giving your Hinge match another shot? Well, whether you’re taken or single, or whether you’re excited for Valentine’s Day or think it’s a commercialized capitalist holiday, coming up with fun Valentine’s/Galentine’s ideas is not always an easy task.
Lucky for you, I took Bwog out on a date for my Bwog staff writer application, and I was not rejected. So, I’ve compiled a list of date ideas based on the answers of our new Bwoggers. You’re welcome.
“You’re taking Bwog out on a date! What would you do? Where would you go? There are no limits!”
Coffee shop date
I’m super new to Barnumbia, like one-month-Spring-transfer new. In just one month, though, I’ve been converted—because of my suitemates and its proximity to Plimpton—into a Dunkin Donuts fan. As a Canadian (from the country, not the imaginary 51st state), I’ve actually never had Dunkin before coming here, but now I wake up wondering what flavor combination I should get for breakfast. The answer is usually some combination of caramel, coconut, french vanilla, and hazelnut. This date idea does not have to be limited to Dunkin, you can go to a pricier specialty coffee shop instead, or save up and get a drink at Liz’s with fake money (dining dollars/points), but point is, I think you can tell a lot by a person’s coffee order—like if you actually like the weird toasted almond Dunkin shot that tastes like bad artificial cherries, I probably do not trust you—which is why the first item on this list is a coffee shop date where you try out each other’s go-to coffee order. It is the perfect fool-proof method of gauging whether your date is a red flag or just finding some fun new coffee flavors you don’t normally try.
Museum date
Just a few days ago, my suitemates and I celebrated a friend’s birthday at the Whitney. For free, we could see all eight floors of exhibitions and then take a bunch of pictures by the terrace. We ended up seeing Edges of Ailey, an immersive visual arts and live performance exhibit themed around Black migration and liberation, and All Day All Night, an experimental exhibit themed around the linguistic discrimination of ASL. Unfortunately, I did not write about the Whitney for my application, but I did briefly mention another museum exhibition. In retrospect, it kind of sounded like I was trying to be all quirky for my date with Bwog, but in my defense, I actually have to credit my roommate Sydney, who told me the perfect place to take Bwog out on a date was none other than the MoMI Jim Henson Muppet exhibit. Sure, a date at a more traditional art museum like the Whitney or the Met or MoMa could lead to some deep conversations, but seeing all those puppets on display, and especially the props from The Dark Crystal (1982) (that one really weird movie Jim Henson made) is sure to lead to fun conversations where you can overshare all that childhood lore. The MoMI is free on Thursdays, and the Jim Henson Muppet exhibit is still going on. Take that how you will.
But enough about me. Here’s what the other new Bwoggers had to say:
- Classic Hungarian pastry shop date.
- Hewitt for their new crepe service.
- Amusement park, specifically Six Flags.
- Pick a Subway line and get off on random stops date.
- Go out for insomnia cookies.
And may I suggest, because I’ve been seeing a lot of snowmen on campus, like this little guy here:

A snowman building date! After all, there’s nothing more romantic than freezing in the cold with someone else.
Images via Bwarchives and Author