Have a great post-colonialist, all-inclusive Thanksgiving, everyone!

Have a great post-colonialist, all-inclusive Thanksgiving, everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Sure, we may have had some classes today, and it’s never too early to start those problem sets due on Monday, but this is the time to set aside work, be thankful, and get the hell out of MoHi.

That’s why Bwog is taking a break to live, breathe, and drink the holiday cheer. Whether you’re at home around a table with your family or at 1020 around a table with a few (too many) drinks, we hope you’ll be enjoying it all the same. Unless something important comes up, we’ll be shuffling back to Columbia in post-holiday mirth on Monday.

Be sure to send your tips, stories, and pictures to tips@bwog.com.

Lastly, following Bwog tradition, we’re here to share our annual (truncated) list of things we’re thankful for. Comment below some of the stuff you’re thankful for this year!


Trader Joe’s frozen meals and Jo-Joes
Hewitt carrot cake
Keystone Light
Being able to go to JJs at midnight any night
Captain Crunch
Sweet Potatoes
Burritos in bowls
$2 cooked rice and Haribo supply from M2M
Free food in general
Halal food trucks
Maple syrup
Related: Lying in bed until evening digesting Drunch
Every single type of pie (we do not discriminate)


The Great British Bake-Off being on Netflix
Spotify Premium
The new season of Adventure Time
The new season of American Horror Story
Related: Drake memes
That dank
Related: When bosses smoke you out
Beach house
Poetry readings, good and bad
The Varsity show
1020 Trivia
Taylor Swift
The dog park in Riverside
Related: Every single dog in Riverside
Sadcolumbiaboys insta
Columbiadateorfriends insta
CUMB Twitter banter
AMC 84th street, a single guest pass, a schedule of the day’s running times, and a phone on silent
Steven Universe


Barnard ERL for helping me with my data
My AllSex section
Plimpton study lounge
Having no lecture classes
Having no science/math classes
Nice pens from Muji
Dropping pre-med before things got real
Curves in STEM classes
Nice TAs
Nice AND helpful TAs (s/o Linan for 3134)
Ridiculously smart philosophy majors who are also huge East Campus ragers
Lost Deantini
PrezBo’s haircut
Barnard Secure (jk fuck Barnard Secure)
David Foster Wallace
The TAs in Foley’s class who sing in Ancient Greek
The Columbia fight song and whoever will sing it with us
The college career center and never stepping foot in it again
2nd floor of Barnard Library

Family and Friends:

When my suitemates actually do their dishes/clean the bathroom
My mom and dad
My grandpa
Friends, new and old
Bwog fam
My super great roommate
My parents and the dog
Little sister
Old high school best friends and new college best friends
Selfies from my puppy dog and the parents who send them
My significant other
My 10 year old sibs


This one elliptical in the Barnard gym that gives you like 400 calories no matter how little you exercise
Free laundry
The Columbia Daily Spectator
Related: Having Spec as a model of what not to do
Further related:  Spectrum (it’s like… your trash older sister who fucks up all the time so your parents love you more)
Fake nails
Camelbak water bottles
That my iPhone screen shattered today but the selfie camera still works
The snow that’s coming soon
Skipping out on Senior Night
Lesbian lizards
The cars that don’t hit us when sprinting across Broadway with .5 seconds left on the timer