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Posts Tagged with "bwog out"

Fall break is finally here! As much as we would love to hang around and report on Schapiro fires and Prezbo sightings, we’ve got a country to watch crash and burn on Tuesday. Instead of refreshing our site, feel free to write Spec op-eds. Don’t worry if you’ve already graduated, it’s really not weird! At […]

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In our last Semester in Review, we noted that this was the fourth semester in a row in which a new Editor-in-Chief took the helm of Bwog. We never could have anticipated that we would be saying something similar only a few months later. At the end of each semester, we look back at the […]

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Bwog Out

Spring Break has finally arrived, and we’re peacing out. We may be gone, but we’re never far, so make sure to send any wild Spring Break tips to us at If you’re still feeling residual stress, we recommend some art therapy with Columbia-themed coloring book pages (featuring buff Prezbo). Or, if you’re looking for music […]

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To our readers: it’s been a minute since the academic year began, but you have finally made it to the (halfway) finish. Congratulations! I thank you for standing by us this semester. Though these past four months have been seemingly mild, I appreciate your loyal readership nonetheless. I would also like to take this opportunity […]

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Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Sure, we may have had some classes today, and it’s never too early to start those problem sets due on Monday, but this is the time to set aside work, be thankful, and get the hell out of MoHi. That’s why Bwog is taking a break to live, breathe, and drink the […]

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Bwog Out

Hi friends! Fall break has officially begun, leaving us all with a joyous long weekend to dress up as cats and drink our midterm sorrows away. Just as you are looking forward to your break from school work, Bwog is also excited to have a little alone time at home with our dog and our Roku. […]

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Bwog Out

Our fellow Columbians, another year has come and gone. It was a rollercoaster, but now we can finally retire back to our quiet abodes. Whether you aced your finals or barely stayed in school, you can still come back next year with a (mostly) clean slate. Have wonderful summers made of fulfilling internships and lovely […]

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Sometimes, Momma Bwog needs to have a little “me-time.” She needs to put on some soft music, light some candles, pull up the Bulgarian erotica, and get to work. For the next week, Momma Bwog is gonna be doin’ her thang, and y’all ain’t invited. Enjoy this complimentary video from CUSS and see you on […]

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Dear Columbia — to our fans, part-time fans, naysayers, haters, and our primarily unruffled, ambivalent readership — we’ve had a strong semester. I say “strong” because it was not quite a good semester but a powerful one, passionate and encouraging. If sometimes too apologetic, you can’t negate our — Bwog’s — interest in the activity we’ve seen […]

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Bwog Out!

Happy Thanksgiving, pals! No matter how much you have due on Monday, it’s now time to get the hell out of Morningside Heights and go eat and drink yourselves into stupors. You know how much we love you guys (and posting about food and alcohol), but for now, Bwog needs to take a break and […]

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Bwog Out

Happy fall break, friends! Your essays and problem sets, your aches and pains, the taste of the dining hall in your mouth and sweet drone of your professors in your ears…let these stay behind and out of your thoughts. Not that we don’t love you, but Bwog needs a little me-time. Unless it’s something important […]

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Bwog Out

Well, we made it. Another year is done. No matter how you did on your finals, Momma Bwog is proud of you. Now it’s time to attempt to forget about Columbia for a little while. Bwog hopes your summers will be full of your desired combination of fun, rest, learning, adventure and making money. Have […]

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Bwog Out

Spring break is upon us, and Bwog plans on departing without a tinge of poignancy. Midterms have come and gone, and stress is melting off under the gentle sunbeams of an early Spring. It is time to go. Don’t pack that stack of unread CC books, don’t stuff those notes in the top of your […]

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Bwog is checking out for summer (unless something marvelously big happens that we simply must tell you about) as it is officially June, but first we’d like to give you a round-up of what’s been going on in the CU world these last two weeks.  It has definitely been a memorable semester and we hope you […]

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Remember when we wrote a light-hearted and clearly speculative post about some rumors to get pumped up about Bacchanal?  Apparently Bacchanal didn’t find it as much fun. In response to an inquiry for a magazine piece about the organization itself, a Blue and White first-year reporter received an unexpected response from a board member: “We at Bacchanal have […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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