Intrepid new Bwoggers Romane Thomas and Jennifer Nugent ventured into the depths of bureaucracy at the latest GSSC meeting, where branded staplers, website updates, and breathless anticipation for Valentine’s Day were in abundance. Here’s their report.
After a Student Council retreat last Saturday and last week’s forum/town hall meeting, the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) progressed on a number of projects and channeled the initiatives discussed into new projects.
New mentorship program
Before the official start of the meeting, an upperclassman in the audience presented his project for a new mentorship program for GS students. Beyond academic and administrative help, the mentor (a third- or fourth-year) would introduce the mentee (a first-year) to their social circle, major, and extracurricular activities, with the aim of helping the mentee integrate into the GS community. Students would be paired up based on major and background. More information on signing up should be available soon.
Constitution Amended
A motion was made by Veteran Students Rep Michael Neier to amend the Student Council Constitution; he wanted to move the representatives of niche populations at GS (including the International Students Rep and Veteran Students Rep, among others) from the Campus Life pole to the Policy pole. University Senator Katharine Celentano pointed out that this was a logical change due to the need to hear the voice of all GS students regarding policy. A divided Student Council passed the motion.
New Website
The GSSC is developing a new website with a domain unaffiliated with the school. The new website should include the directory of student groups introduced at the last GSSC meeting. The website would help to centralize information about associations and events, and might partly solve the important issue of communication that was further emphasized by president Elizabeth Heyman.
Events coming up:
- Glass House Rocks is tomorrow! Make sure to attend for performances of all the main student groups on campus.
- Lunar New Year Celebration will take place on February 8 starting at 4:30pm in the GS lounge. The Lion Dance Team will perform at 5pm. Food will be provided and giveaways are also planned.
- Singles Mingle, a Valentine’s Day celebration will take place on February 11th from 8 to 10 pm at Amity Hall. Drinks and appetizers will be provided.
- A Resource Fair for GS students is coming up on February 12, brought to you by the Academic Affairs Rep.
- The Gala date is set for April 9. Jade Le-Cascarino mentioned that special effects may be involved!
Other updates:
- GS staplers: the student council ordered 650 staplers with GS logos. Make sure to grab one when they become available!
- Positions available on GSSC include Chief of Communication, Chief Finance Representative and Social Media Representative.
- Food Insecurity: Extra food passes will be issued by the Dean of Student Affairs in the coming weeks.
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