Happening in the world: Republican senators voted on Tuesday to formally silence Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on the senate floor until Senator Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) nomination for Trump’s cabinet is complete. Democrat senators have been trying to delay confirmations of nominees for Trump’s cabinet, making this process the most dragged out one in US history. (The Washington Post)

Happening in NYC: New York lawmakers stopped a bill that would charge a five-cent fee on plastic bags. The bill now goes to Governor Cuomo to be decided upon. Though it seems to be a simple bill on environmental taxation on the surface, it opens larger debates about whether liberal environment-friendly policies hurt the poor and whether New York State should have a say in NYC policies. (WSJ)

Happening on campus: Jonathan Karp, president and publisher of Simon and Schuster and former editor-in-chief of Random House, will be talking about the economics of publishing in the 21st Century from 3pm to 4:30pm in Lerner.

Overheard: “You are literally a frat personified; you are a human frat.”

An old celeb tweet: 









Same, Lady Gaga, same via Twitter