“New year, new me” – Every Instagram caption for the month of January. New Year’s resolutions are an amazing chance to turn over a new leaf–and students aren’t the only ones who are committing to a few this year! Our favorite campus buildings are getting in on the fun by deciding to leave a few things in 2017. The most-mentioned? Less throw-up and faster elevators.
• Milstein: Be finished.
• Carman: Don’t fall apart. And no more getting thrown up in.
• Diana: Be nicer to men.
• Lerner: No more getting caught in the middle of rowdy protests. Too stressful, especially for a building with so much glass.
• EC: Drink less alcohol.
• Ruggles: Quit smoking.
• John Jay: Leave me out of your terrible Spec op-eds. Unrelated: also get faster elevators.
• The Quad: Grow at least two sizes.
• Hamilton: Do the Lit Hum reading for once.
• Butler: Spend less time on Facebook.
Hamilton Hall via Bwog Archives