
Why buy something new when you can make do with with the junk you have already accrued underneath your bed or all over your floor? Bwog staff has compiled a list of ways to repurpose literal garbage in your dorm room.

  • Refill a soup container with water to use as a vase for flowers.
  • Use your blender as a water pitcher because filtered water is scarce and rare in the quad.
  • Sleep with your head inside your refrigerator during the summer and behind the refrigerator during the winter.
  • Hang clothes from a curtain rod to block the light coming in through your blinds.
  • Use a lamp as a drying rack.
  • Use your roommate’s mini steamer as a kettle to brew hot water for exactly one cup of tea.
  • Use a T-shirt as a pillowcase.
  • Take out your fridge shelf and use it as a pantry.
  • Use the flyers from the Milstein opening to make a lanyard of inspirational women. :’)
  • Use a cardboard box as a pot for your 3-foot tall plant you accidentally ordered on Amazon.
  • Stack all of your old disposable coffee cups from Ferris you forgot to throw away into a pyramid to use as a step stool to get onto your bed.
  • Use the tapestry you were too lazy to hang as a towel.

If you have any other interesting ways to reuse your old stuff to be useful in your room, let us know at tips@bwog.com because Bwog loves innovation.

Photo via Eva