Bucket List brings to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events excluded from the list or have a correction, let us know in the comments or email events@bwog.com.


Student Event Spotlight

f your club or organization is interested in having your event featured here, please submit them to events@bwog.com or using our Events Submission Form.

  • Greeen Fest 2016 is this Saturday on the Furnald Lawn. Join Ecoreps for some free food and the smoothie bike (bring your own cup if you can) whlie learning about sustainabilty from several student groups.

Monday, April 29

Tuesday, April 30

Wednesday, May 1

Thursday, May 2

Friday, May 3

Saturday, May 4

  • Young Writers Present (Spring 2019).” 12:30 pm. Katharina Otto-Bernstein Screening Room, Lenfest Center. ity NYC high school students from Double Discovery Center, Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, and The High School of Fashion Industries, as well as Our Word, in the Columbia Artist/Teacher (CA/T) Program.

Ooh look pretty painting via Flickr.