Hear ye, hear yeet, it’s time for all to be graced with wisdom from the one and only.

Name, School, Major, Hometown: Evan de Lara, Columbia College, Architecture, Baltimore

Claim to fame: Photo of me and my ass on Times Square billboard, Glossier before it was lame, begging my friends to make me an admin of Columbia buy sell memes, green machine ;)

Where are you going? Brooklyn babeyyy…working at a fashion architecture agency, Prodject

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2023?

  1. Everyone is winging it, NO ONE has it figured out.  Whether that’s during NSOP when it seems everyone has found their people, or your last weeks of senior year when you get a vague and creeping sensation that everyone has mapped out the next five years of their life, understand that whatever pace you’re traveling at is okay and that everything will come in due time.
  2. It is so important to integrate yourself into the fabric of the city!! Life is so much better when you allow yourself to step outside of the world of Columbia.  You will see more, know more, and understand more when you remove yourself from campus and experience life outside of this echo chamber. And plus like… you’ll be much cooler for it.
  3. I want my ladies to hear this one especially!!! Never undervalue yourself— assert your presence and your worth.  Whether in a relationship, in the workplace, in a group project, or on the mfff subway car, I am never afraid to make my opinions heard, reclaim my time and space, or be uncompromising on the things that are most important to me. I don’t think it was so much Columbia as it was New York City and a terrible relationship I was in during my time here that gave me a certain undying strength to make myself seen, heard, respected, and understood.

“Back in my day…” Carman was a cinderblock palace… real incarceration vibe, if you will

Favorite Columbia controversy? Wrestling nigger-gate is a claaaaassic

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: I am black, therefore I am; Alternative response: here me am

What was your favorite class at Columbia? Crowdscape Cartographies with Ana Penalba (anything she teaches is electric!!), Physics for Poets (before it was a real class), African American Literature with Marcellus Blount (may he rest in peace)

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? Oop! My lactose intolerance is begging me to say cheese, and imma be good to her for once.

Whom would you like to thank? My parents and sister for being *kisses finger tips* *MWAHHH*, my friends for being *hits the robot* crackheads, and me for being *smirk* that bitch.

One thing to do before graduating: Cringe-y photoshoot on butler roof

Any regrets? Not selling out ($$$$ talks), joining a sorority (sorry *****!!)